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  1. "This is probably stupid to send to you. Our time together was incredible, although we only talked for a month and had a mere two months of dating we grew close. You say I am sexy, incredible, wonderful and gorgeous yet you left me when your ex showed up, confused about your feelings as you are not over him. Now you hang out with him to figure yourself out, the same ex that treated your poorly, and may date again. When we texted last Monday you said you really like me and still think I'm wonderful. We never argued, we clicked so well, we have the same favorite color, find the same things funny and care far too much about everyone. I believe you when you said you didn't see me as a rebound and didn't expect your feelings to be so conflicted, that you still don't know what you feel for your ex. That you said you will forever regret not giving us a chance, if we do never have one, and your feelings likely won't change for me. I fully understand why you had to leave and I want you to be happy, I want me to be happy. I don't understand what you are feeling, as I have never been in your position but I have no ill will towards you, no bitterness, you did the right thing. I'm not sure if we will be true friends ever but I will always be glad to run into you. Whatever happens in your future, whatever happens between us, I want you to know there is at least one guy (me) who likes you for you. Who likes your coy smile, how you get excited over goofy things, your vibrant personality, your big heart, the way you say 'Hi' after hours of being together, how you're always late, overly nervous and worried, always down for anything even if you think your bad at it, how you don't think you're gorgeous even though you totally are, how you are non-judgmental, just everything. I hope you figure out what you want in life and what makes you happy. Do what you have to do to reach that point. As always, I'll be around if you ever want to catch up." This was so hard to write. Our time together was so amazing and passionate, we clicked perfectly. I don't know if I should send any of this but I really want to. This girl took my heart from day one. Every time we were together I took her breath away. It's been three weeks and I still tear up.
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