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  1. awwww....I haven't had that for so long! Does feel good tho….
  2. Hi Cynders!!! I was looking at the forum, and noticing all the people i use to read, not on anymore. (I only comment) and i saw your name. I thought....surely NOT! But it was. Will look at your painting....but because I"M NOSEY....what's going on in your life? Romantically??? Anything???
  3. I found it strange, that after my dad passed, HE was the glue that kept the family together playing cards etc. We always thought it was mom. Our last meal together was Easter....dad died 4 days later. But there he was at the table, we were all playing cards, and he could hardly hold them. After that, everything kinda went to hell in a hadbag. But then again, mom wasn't the best and died 4 years later. The bf and I are totally done this year. I'll probably be alone for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And I won't like it one bit. Oh. And my birthday is Christmas Eve. Sometimes I just run to Florida and get away from it all...but not gong til Jan. 5. So. Christmas Eve you're going to be busting at the seams. And Christmas day...you're invited to family? Why not to S's. Heck...even in my 20 s and I had bf's I always went to his families for Holidays too. Would you rather be alone, because it's going to be empty without mom?
  4. ummmm.....i tried starting the mower today. A guy said....is there gas. I said yeah! then looked. Ummmm….no.
  5. lol....as I was reading this...I was thinking GEE...I wish someone would mow MY yard. So I'm glad you brought him cookies....and found out he was a nutjob...but will continue on as your 'yard boy'. Do you have to pay him??? That's great! My mower keeps quiting….lol
  6. Great!!! Hope it works....especially before you go on vacation! I don't have it...but I can only imagine it would affect your quality of like!!!! Good Luck!
  7. yes jibralta....when Reinvent responded...i thought, "she misread what you wrote". I got it. She was sticking up for you RIV!!
  8. I'm so glad that your mom and dad validated your feelings....and said you were right. Mine said, Play me a violin.
  9. Ok. Number 1. You're doing all these things to make YOURSELF feel better! Exercise, diet, sleeping more....but what are you doing to make HER feel better! She certainly isn't gonna feel all lovey dovey and want sex, when you won't even put the car in your name.....because, ya know WE MIGHT GET DIVORCED! Wow....what a cloud hanging over her head. Also....we decided not to celebrate Valentines day.....we went to the gym instead! wOW again! Way to make her feel special and loved......again. Now is the time to start putting some romance into your marriage!!! Now, Now Now.....before it's to late. Reading this it sounds as if you're given up all ready...and want out. Your wife is certainly feeling this! Go to counseling with open ears, and try not to point fingers! You say you want love and support! Guess what! So does she! Saying, ok. pay back half the car when we get divorced....is NOT a show of support. You have to do everything and anything to support her and Yourself....as ONE unit. United we stand, divided we fall kinda thing. Women...I think more than men....want that EMOTIONAL connection. Way before the sex crap starts. I always say, make love to my mind, before you make love to my body. Make her feel like you are there for the LONG HaUL no matter what it takes. That you cherish her, love her, nd don't want to lose her. So what the F that you have anxiety and trying to work it out! That is your problem! What can she do to help you get over YOUR issues. That's what they are. Your issues. She can be supportive and a good listener (even tho you said you don't like opening up) At this point, she's a stranger looking in! If you truly want this marriage to end.....keep doing what you're doing. If you want to save her.....your marriage....and yourself from another heartbreak....Do VALENTINES day. Do date night. Do what you USE to do in the beginning that made her feel special. Would you have said 4 years ago....ok we'll get this car for you, but it has to be in your name! Ugh, ex did that to me when we were first married. We are now divorced. Share, but if you make bigger bucks, you should shoulder more of the expenses. You're a couple. Start acting like it. You're coming across like you did earlier in your journal.....It's all about Me, Me, Me. Sorry if this is a rant. Bf walked out on me again yesterday....as I was crying...I just want you to CARE. Make her believe that....and she will do the same for you! Trust me on that!
  10. yep. She's trying to understand you. Not realizing her questioning is pushing you away. The further you fall apart....the more she's questioning. Like a WOMAN...she wants to talk about it. You shut down....and want to 'work on yourself' by yourself. Your wife is being shut out...and that is never a good thing. Sorry to hear. You had such a good thing going.....please don't throw it away!
  11. I'm so sorry if I didn't sound sympathetic. I really am. Especially at Christmas, it's going to hurt even more. I just wanted to say....Forgive.
  12. awwww....little coco! Don't be angry at your mom. She did the best she could. My mom died 2 years ago. Colon cancer. She insisted that she was NEVER going to have a colonoscopy...even tho she was having issues down there. When the pain got so great, she agreed. By then it was to late. She died in 5 weeks. But....she was going down hill. Maybe she would have lived another 3 years (without the cancer) but it would not have been a happy, productive (or even happy, unproductive) life. She didn't want to die. She became very depressed when after the surgery, she found out the cancer had spread. She said she didn't want to leave her children. (mostly my sister) So even tho we lost her YEARS before we needed to, or should have...in reality it was a blessing. She didn't have to linger a slow death, and her mind was starting to fail her. Maybe your mom was in the same boat. Gone toosoon....but would SHE have been better off to live a longer life? Would it have been a painfree (mentally and physically) existence? Was she sad at the end that she was dying? I think everyone has a fear at the very end...on what is going to be on the other side. My dad fought death til the very end. So. At the end of this all....let your anger go. Talk to your mom. Forgive her. I'm sorry for your lose of your dear mom....but think...your mom's beloved coco is living life to the fullest now! *smiles*
  13. Sorry to hear kidd! But all marriages don't run smoothly. It's wanting to work thru things...and NOT run from them, that counts. If you both want to work at it...it will work out. And compromise is big. You gave up the tickets for family....she can maybe see those friends on a less frequent basis. Why does she like them so much...what are your concerns, that she is going to be swayed by them to do something you don't approve of? Stress can stretch your patience to a breaking point. You guys got together when you were really young. Maybe she is wanting to sow some wild seeds that she hadn't been able to before. Talk, Talk, Talk....then kiss and tell her you love her.
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