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  1. I was told that I should expect my period 2 weeks after I took the ECP. For me, this was the case. How long has it been now?
  2. Perhaps it is time to look into a new religion? Or to start following all the rules of the one you claim to follow? I mean.. seriously. What religion would condone you having sex out of wedlock at the age of 14 and not allow you to get an abortion.
  3. I've used ECP twice. Both times, I was told that I shouldn't expect my period until 2 weeks after the ECP. So.. if 2-4 weeks pass with no menstruation, I'd be concerned.
  4. If you love her, wait for her to grow older. The maturity difference between 19 and 14 is worlds away.
  5. Is he taking any medication that might be causing a lack of libido? SSRIs have this as a side effect.
  6. I realize that since you brought up the Nazis that means that the conversation is over and you're resorting to ad hominem attacks.. but oh well. I've seen Catholics do evil things as well.. I didn't say that the KKK was wrong or right. Only that they, as you, believe that their truth is the correct truth for everyone. Funny. Some people believe the same of Christians. Are they any more or less right than you are? My position is "my way is the truth for me." Your position seems to be "my way is the truth. Period." I'm sorry that you fail to see that difference.
  7. Because you are saying that your truth is the best way for everyone. You are saying that people who don't follow your truth have lives that aren't as exciting. That is a shallow point of view. I pity anyone who believes that people who believe differently than they can't possibly have lives that are as exciting. I'm sure that, just like you, KKK members believe that their way is the best way. The difference between you and me is that I believe that other people's truths are just as valid as mine. You believe that everyone who doesn't follow Christ as you do is doomed to lead a non-exciting life. You even call my truth a fairy tale here. Whereas the only thing I told you was that you were nearsighted in judging other people the way you have chosen to. I do not deny that your way is the truth for you. I just deny your belief that your way is the truth for everyone, period.
  8. I am saying that everyone believes their way of life is the best. Yes, that was a typo on my part. Right there you're saying that you're better. You're saying that people who haven't received the grace of your god are not as blessed as you and, referring back to previous posts, don't have lives that are as exciting as yours. You're also saying that your way is closest to the truth. Which, if you follow your own logic, means that anyone on a different path is further away from the truth. When, in reality, we all have our own truths. This is a very common belief that you have and it denies that other people are able to find just as much happiness with their own paths as you have found upon yours. It's a very nearsighted and shallow point of view to have and I'm sorry that you have it.
  9. Yes, I have. Thanks for asking
  10. Have you actually experienced a Christmas with a family without Christ? I have. Many of them. I can assure you that Christmas with my family is far from boring. Family is what matters at Christmastime for us.. Christ has nothing to do with it.
  11. And I'm saying that everyone who follows a certain path, be it religious or secular, believes that their chosen path is more [something positive] than the alternatives. Since you're on a secular path, you obviously believe it's better than the alternatives when, in essense, the only claim that you can make is that it's better for you. But this isn't a knock against you in any way. It's part of human nature. It only makes sense to believe that the path that you're on is the best.. why else would you have chosen it? It only becomes a problem when you start making sweeping statements of judgment and assumption by saying that "The path I'm on is more exciting/whatever than the alternatives." I assure you that this just isn't true.
  12. A guy's weight makes no difference to me in terms of attraction.
  13. I think that everyone in any subsect of humanity feels the need to explain their life as more exciting, better, whatever. I'm sure that any devoted member of any religion would tell you that their lifestyle was the most exciting and devoted. Personally, I try not to make those judgment calls about communities of people that I belong to.
  14. What does your husband think when you ask him this?
  15. Instead of raging about it to him.. why don't you try watching it with him and participating in something that is obviously important to him?
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