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  1. I think charisma comes inate. You can try and try and try to be more charismatic and humorous but some people just "naturally" have "it". The oh-so-suave guy that gets everyones attention and has everyone laughing is usually very confident, smooth and extroverted. On top of that they have that "X" factor, something you can't quite put you finger on that makes you drawn to their personality... Don't dwell on the fact that you're not "funny" The more you ponder on it the worse you'll feel. Humour, I believe, should come naturally. With confidence, energy, and little self doubt you should be able to make light of situations by not putting too much pressure on yourself and just rolling with the punches. Don't think "I have to be as funny as this dude!" I think humour can only be taught to a certain point, the rest is discorved through social intelligence, finding what "Clicks" for you.
  2. I was going out with this chick recently, then I found out she was living a double life because she was seeing another dude on the side. She even told me she was 18 but turns out she's actually 17, from what I heard from her friends. Anyway, she pretty much ended it 1 week ago. I tried to go over her place just to have my final say, but she has the nerve to tell me to "Get lost and go home"! Her exact words, then just slam the door in my face! I don't want to get back together with this broad. Although I NEED to get a few things off my chest before I can live normally again. So if I call her or go over there she'll just hang the phone on me or slam the door in my face. I'm pretty angry but don't want to get physical with her, she's not worth the trouble, but I do need to say a few things. My letter is going to be pretty harsh, but hell, she deserves everything she gets and then some. So, how many of you guys here wrote a letter to an ex discussing your dismay and anger? How "crazy" did you get in your letter? P.S. Please don't tell me to "just move on" I can't just "move on" after this without letting this off my chest.
  3. I won't get down to the nitty gritty with this but basically I've been disrespected and played for a fool, BIGTIME> Now I'm angry as hell, I've had a few days to think about it but I'm still fuming. This person cannot get away with this, you don't use and abuse people who stood by you in times of struggle. I was there for this person throughout all the problems they had and then when they worked out their problems they pretty much abused me and told me to get lost with lots of cursing from them. Now I know some of you think "don't have revenge it's not worth it" But really, what do you think I should do? Stand by and do nothing and let them laugh at me behind my back talking about what a joke I was?! Me doing nothing makes me look weak, like I deserved it. I have to show this person that I'm not some little weak punk that takes abuse and likes to get used and does nothing about it. This person has to pay.
  4. I have a 16yr old pregnant friend. This friend of mine claims to feel "nauseous" during the day. Now I know pregnant chicks get morning sickness, but do you feel sick at times throughout the day as well? I ask because I have a feeling that she plays the old "I feel kinda queasy" card when she has to go to a certain appointment or wants to avoid something she has to do. Really, do pregnant girls feel sick at times that come and go throughout the day, well past the morning? Or is she just trying to weasel out of things? Thank you. P.S. She is 14 weeks pregnant if that helps.
  5. My ex who is 16 and pregnant but continues to smoke cigarettes. Her weak excuses include "I smoke 6 milligram cigarettes instead of 12 milligrams like I used to" "1 pack lasts me 2-3 days now, that's how far I've cut back" and my personal favourite "Smoking when pregnant can only lead to low birth weight or asthma", yeah, RIGHT! She is 3 months pregnant by the way. I just don't like how selfish she's being saying "It's too hard to quit altogether.." If I were pregnant I'd quit smoking altogether for the good of the unborn child! So to those that know, what else can happen to the baby if the mother continues to smoke during pregnancy? I WANT her to stop this selfish BS behaviour!
  6. I'm the mofo king of procastination my friend. I've done some things to help me with my procastination though. Here's what I DID; *After school, told myself NO TV, GAMES, CRUISING TOWN PERVING AT CHICKS TIL I'VE DONE MY STUDY! *Changed my study environment. Took my books out of the bedroom where all the distractions like TV Computer, phone etc are. Work in an environment where you don't have these distractions IE Go out to the park on a good day and study their *Lastly, think about the future "If I don't study, I won't do well in school, won't get a good job, and won't have the life I want, the career I want" envision yourself in 10 years time. Remember, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, but all play and no work makes jack fail and clean skid marks outta toilet bowls.
  7. I have some symptons of it I believe. I can't concentrate on one thing for long especially on dull tasks, infact it cost me a job once(lost concentration too easily). I notice I think about stuff way toooo much, my mind is always thinking and doesn't stay on track with one thought. I get restless easily and I have some anxiety problem. I try to avoid things where I have to focus alot because I really just can't do it and sometimes just don't feel confident in my ablilities. I have trouble getting to sleep because my mind won't shut off. I don't know, it's not depression, I don't feel sad I haven't got the blues. How should I approach my doctor about this? Should I just come out and say "I think I might have Attention deficeit disorder" or should I just tell him my problems and let him decide? It's been like this for a while now but never bothered to do anything about it because I thought it was normal, but from hearing about people with ADHD they have the same problems. I don't run around like a maniac or anything like that though. What do you guys think I have, could it be ADHD? P.S. I'm 20 and male if that helps...
  8. Am, white is the only color I've seen it come in(no pun intended) If you ejaculate too much though it can come out less white and more "water like" If you're shooting green semen or something I suggest you get it checked out with your doctor.
  9. Well you can't be sure now can you, that'd be too easy. I suggest that you should build some rapport with this chick first. See how she responds and then ask her out if you still sense a green light. Good luck.
  10. Be bold! Don't put her on a pedastal as some god almighty beauty queen that has no imperfections. She's just a regular person like everyone else and has flaws just like everyone else. Also, I could help you out more if you tell me why you are so shy? That would help me answer your question a little better.
  11. I met this babe a little while ago at a 21st B'day party. Anyway she is friends with one of my associates. Whenever where together though she doesn't talk much, I mean I always have to start the talking and ask the questions, low interest right?(Although she sounds enthusiastic when she talks to me) Well here's the twister though, I asked if I could see her tattoo on her upper breast and she's like "umm, yeah ok",she pulls down her shirt a bit, then I run my hand over her breast and she starts blushing and giggling. Also I saw her today and I snuck up behind her and felt up her ass big time and she gave me a nice smile with a "hello". Yeah so bottom line is she lets me feel her body up but doesn't talk much too me!? WTF?! All the girls that were keen on me before always had motor mouths. The thing is she's not shy, she talks heaps with other guys and chicks, but with me she doesn't ask me much but let's me feel her up?! What's up with that? Her letting me feel me up makes me think HIGH Interest. The bit where she doesn't seem to talk much to me tells me LOW interest. Comments?
  12. Ok my nig, First off you said you're really shy. Don't let it show around her. Also, if you're really shy and you're walking through this wilderness thing you're gonna have to talk heaps otherwise it'll just be awkard. I myself prefer action first dates. Ask her to go go carting with you for example, don't have to talk too much and it makes you different from every other schmuck that asks her out to "coffee" Do NOT say "um hi, just wandering, you want to go out with me..." while blushing and looking down. Walk up, smiles and all, and say "Hi! hey how's it going?, Say you know we should go karting together, we'll have a blast!" Say this after you have a small conversation with her though. Good luck my nig.
  13. You're missing the point a bit Tinkerbell. I do it in a playful way and not on complete strangers, it works hell of a lot better then being a shy guy that stands in the corner and starts no sexual innuendo, chicks don't dig wusses. Rather be a bit of a jerk then some P***y whipped shy guy.
  14. Tread carefully DJ, right now, she's off limits since she has a boyfriend. If she were to cheat on her bf with you what makes you think she won't cheat on you if you two were dating? Really, I think you should just keep it as "friends" for now. From what you wrote sounds like she spends more time with you then her bf so she does like you obviously. Although refrain from jumping in a kissing her bro. For all you know she might only like you as a really good trusting friend. Just because you two get along real well doesn't mean she feels anything romantic for you. Either way, if she's going out with a guy already, back off and keep it as "friends" till she is single and then take it from there. Good luck bro.
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