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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    How to Know If You Truly Love Someone (9 Clear Signs)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Love isn't just infatuation
    • True love involves deep connection
    • Time together can feel effortless
    • Priorities shift when you love someone
    • Jealousy and trust can coexist

    The Complexity of Love

    Love. It's one of those words that carries immense weight, but what does it really mean? We've all heard the stories, seen the movies, and maybe even experienced it ourselves. But recognizing if we are truly in love can sometimes feel confusing, even overwhelming. The emotional landscape of love is vast and varied—what feels like love one day might feel like uncertainty the next.

    It's not just about butterflies in your stomach or fireworks every time they walk into the room. Real love, the kind that endures, is often subtle. It's layered, complex, and sometimes, hard to recognize amid infatuation or attachment. So, how do you know? How can you separate fleeting attraction from something more meaningful? These are the questions we'll explore together.

    What Does It Mean to Love Someone?

    Loving someone isn't as simple as constant joy or unending passion. It's about connection, empathy, and a desire to see the other person grow—even if that means making sacrifices along the way. True love goes deeper than physical attraction or shared interests. It's when their happiness becomes just as important as your own, or sometimes, even more so.

    From a psychological standpoint, love is often associated with intimacy, passion, and commitment—three components of the Triangular Theory of Love, proposed by psychologist Robert Sternberg. These components come together to form the foundation of a loving relationship. But love doesn't look the same for everyone. Sometimes, it's gentle and quiet. Other times, it's passionate and consuming. Understanding the way you express and experience love is key to truly knowing what it means for you.

    Why Is It Important to Know If You Are in Love?

    contemplative bench

    It might seem like an obvious question, but knowing if you're in love—or if what you're feeling is something else entirely—can profoundly impact your life and relationships. When we're unsure about our feelings, we might make decisions we later regret, like staying in a relationship that isn't healthy, or pushing someone away because we weren't sure of our emotions. Love demands honesty, both with yourself and your partner.

    By understanding whether you're truly in love, you give yourself clarity. This clarity can prevent missteps like mistaking infatuation or dependency for love, and it helps you build a relationship rooted in real, genuine connection. As author bell hooks said in her book, All About Love: New Visions, “To love well is the task in all meaningful relationships, not just romantic bonds.” Love isn't something to rush into or take lightly; knowing its presence or absence is crucial to leading a more authentic life.

    5 Reasons You May Be Confused About Love

    Understanding love can be tricky. We've all felt confused at one point or another—unsure if what we're feeling is real love or just the excitement of something new. This confusion stems from many sources, both internal and external, and it's completely normal to question your emotions. Here are five reasons you might find yourself wondering whether you really love someone:

    1. Infatuation often feels like love: The early stages of a relationship are full of excitement, but that initial passion can sometimes mask deeper feelings, making us believe we're in love when we're really just infatuated.
    2. Fear of being alone influences feelings: Loneliness can cloud your judgment. We may convince ourselves that we love someone simply because we fear the alternative—being single.
    3. Past experiences skew perceptions of love: If you've been hurt in the past, you might find it harder to trust love or might mistake familiarity for romantic feelings.
    4. High emotions create confusion: Intense emotions, whether joy, anxiety, or even sadness, can blur the lines between love and other feelings, leading to uncertainty.
    5. Social pressures shape your views: Friends, family, or society may make you feel like you should be in love or that you should know by now, which can add stress and confusion to your journey of figuring it out.

    Recognizing these factors helps clear away the fog, allowing you to focus on what really matters: how you feel, deep down, about the person in your life.

    Infatuation vs. Real Love: Knowing the Difference

    It's easy to mistake infatuation for love, especially in the early stages of a relationship when everything feels exhilarating and new. Infatuation is that surge of excitement, the "can't-stop-thinking-about-you" feeling, where every glance and touch feels electric. It's a powerful emotion, but it's often temporary. As psychologists explain, infatuation is typically rooted in attraction, desire, and novelty. This phase is intense, but it doesn't always translate into long-term love.

    Love, on the other hand, grows over time. It's not just about passion but about emotional depth, trust, and stability. Real love doesn't fade when the excitement dwindles; it builds something stronger and more meaningful. Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist, describes love as an attachment that forms after the initial rush of dopamine has settled. You start to appreciate the other person's quirks, their imperfections, and you accept them as part of who they are. That's when love turns into something lasting.

    Recognizing the difference between these two can save you from heartbreak. While infatuation often fades when challenges arise, real love remains steadfast even in the face of conflict and change.

    Fear of Being Alone and Its Impact on Love

    The fear of being alone can have a powerful influence on how we interpret our feelings in a relationship. Sometimes, this fear can push us into relationships we're not truly invested in, or make us stay in relationships long after they've run their course. Loneliness can feel overwhelming, and we might cling to someone out of fear, mistaking that attachment for love.

    This fear often stems from societal pressures, where being single is sometimes viewed negatively, or we're told that our worth is tied to having a partner. We can become so focused on avoiding solitude that we lose sight of what love truly feels like. In reality, love requires being honest with ourselves. Are you with this person because you genuinely love them, or are you afraid of facing life alone? That's a hard question, but it's one worth asking.

    In the words of author Cheryl Strayed, “You don't have to be fearless. Just don't let fear stop you.” When it comes to love, letting fear drive your decisions can keep you from experiencing the fullness of a relationship built on genuine affection and understanding.

    How Past Relationships Shape Your View of Love

    Every relationship we've experienced leaves its mark on how we perceive love. Whether it was the heartbreak of a first love, the warmth of a long-lasting relationship, or the pain of a toxic one, our past influences how we navigate new romantic situations. You might carry wounds from past breakups or bring expectations from an old relationship into a new one. It's natural.

    Psychologists often refer to this as emotional conditioning. If you've been hurt before, you might struggle to trust someone new, or you might avoid vulnerability, thinking it will protect you from future heartbreak. On the flip side, if you've experienced a healthy, nurturing relationship in the past, you might approach new love with more optimism and openness.

    Understanding how your previous experiences shape your current perceptions is key to entering a relationship without unnecessary baggage. Being aware of these patterns allows you to break free from negative cycles and approach love with a fresh perspective. As Rainer Maria Rilke once said, “The only journey is the one within.” Healing from past relationships and reflecting on their impact is an essential part of growing in love.

    Emotional Highs and Their Role in Romantic Confusion

    We've all been there—those moments of emotional intensity where everything feels larger than life. Whether it's the thrill of a new relationship or the adrenaline rush of a romantic gesture, these emotional highs can make us feel like we're floating. But as exhilarating as they are, these peaks can also cause confusion when it comes to understanding the depth of your feelings.

    Emotional highs, while wonderful, are often short-lived. They can skew your perception of love by making you believe that intensity equals connection. But love isn't always fireworks—it's also about the quiet, steady moments, the everyday acts of care that build a strong foundation.

    When the emotional high wears off, you might find yourself questioning the relationship, wondering if you ever really loved the person or if it was just the excitement talking. It's important to recognize that while these feelings are a part of the romantic journey, they shouldn't be the only thing sustaining a relationship. True love is balanced, not based solely on fleeting highs but on a solid emotional connection that endures through the ups and downs.

    Social Expectations: How Society Influences Love

    We live in a world where society has a lot to say about love. From the media we consume to the advice we receive from friends and family, it can feel like everyone has an opinion on what love should look like. We're told there's a timeline for relationships, that we should feel certain emotions by a certain stage, or that love means certain grand gestures.

    This societal pressure can lead to confusion. You might start questioning your relationship, asking yourself whether you're "doing it right" simply because it doesn't match what you've seen in movies or heard from others. But love isn't a one-size-fits-all experience. It's deeply personal and unique to every individual and couple. Just because your relationship doesn't fit a societal mold doesn't mean it's any less real or valuable.

    It's important to remember that love is what you and your partner define it as. Don't let external pressures dictate how you feel. As poet E.E. Cummings once said, “We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.” Trust yourself, and don't let society's expectations steer your heart.

    How to Know If You Truly Love Someone

    So, how do you know if it's real? The answer isn't always as clear-cut as we'd like it to be, but there are certain signs that can help you figure it out. If you're wondering whether your feelings are genuine love, ask yourself these questions:

    Do you think about this person even when they're not around? Do you find yourself genuinely caring about their happiness and well-being? If you're willing to make sacrifices for them, if you trust them even when you feel a little jealous, and if time flies by when you're together, these are all signs pointing toward real love.

    Love also shows itself in the way you feel when you're around the person. Do you feel safe? Comfortable? Like you can be your true self without fear of judgment? If the answer is yes, that's a strong indication that love is present.

    Ultimately, love is not something you can easily define in a single moment. It's a combination of feelings, actions, and experiences that build over time. It's not about constant passion or excitement, but about a deep, lasting connection. Trust yourself and give the relationship time to grow; love will reveal itself in the everyday moments.

    1. You Think About Them Constantly

    One of the clearest signs that you might be in love is when you find yourself thinking about the person constantly. They cross your mind in the middle of the day, during the most mundane moments, and even when you're busy with something else. It's not just about longing for them when they're away; it's about genuinely caring for them and wondering how they're doing, what they're thinking, or if they're okay.

    This constant thinking isn't about obsession, but rather a natural part of love. It's the emotional and mental attachment that forms when you begin to care deeply for someone. These thoughts often come with a sense of warmth, excitement, and connection that feel almost effortless. If this person is the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thought before you fall asleep, love is likely playing a significant role in your life.

    Love goes beyond fleeting thoughts of infatuation; it's an enduring presence in your mind, a sign that this person has become an important part of your world.

    2. You Want Them to Be Happy (Even if It's Not with You)

    Love, at its core, is selfless. When you truly love someone, their happiness becomes just as important—if not more important—than your own. You want to see them thrive, feel joy, and succeed, even if it means making sacrifices. In fact, one of the most profound signs of love is when you're willing to let them go or support their decisions, even if those choices don't directly benefit you.

    This doesn't mean you don't want to be with them, but rather that your love for them is strong enough to prioritize their well-being. This type of selflessness can be difficult, but it's a mark of deep emotional maturity. When you love someone, you're able to step outside of your own desires and see things from their perspective, which leads to a sense of empathy and understanding.

    Psychologist Erich Fromm, in his book The Art of Loving, writes, “Love is the active concern for the life and the growth of that which we love.” When you can genuinely say that you care for their happiness, whether they're by your side or not, that's love at its purest form.

    3. You Feel Jealous, but You Trust Them

    Jealousy is a natural emotion in relationships. It can arise even in the healthiest of connections, but the key difference with true love is how you handle it. When you're truly in love, you might feel those pangs of jealousy, but trust overrides them. You understand that your partner has a life outside of your relationship, and you don't feel the need to control them or constantly question their loyalty.

    Healthy jealousy isn't about suspicion or mistrust, but about caring deeply. It's that small twinge you feel when you see them laughing with someone else or being admired by others. However, in love, this feeling doesn't take over—it's balanced by a strong foundation of trust. You trust their actions, their intentions, and the bond you share. This trust helps build a secure relationship where jealousy never turns into something destructive.

    Psychologists agree that trust is one of the most important factors in a relationship. Without it, even the strongest feelings can crumble. So if you feel a little jealous but ultimately know in your heart that your partner is committed to you, that's a sign of real love.

    4. Time Flies When You Are Together

    You know that feeling—when you're with someone, and hours pass in what feels like minutes? This is another hallmark of love. When you're truly connected with someone, time seems to disappear. It's not about what you're doing together, but simply the fact that you're together. Conversations flow effortlessly, silences feel comfortable, and even the most mundane activities feel special because of their presence.

    This sense of timelessness is a strong indicator that your bond goes beyond surface-level attraction. When you're with someone you love, you lose track of time because you're fully present in the moment, engaged in the connection. The world around you fades, and all that matters is being in each other's company.

    Many people describe this feeling as “being in the zone” with their partner, where they feel completely aligned, as if nothing else matters. If you find yourself wishing for more time with them, or being surprised at how quickly time passes when you're together, love is likely the reason.

    5. You Imagine a Future Together

    One of the clearest signs of love is when you start envisioning a future with someone. It's no longer just about the present moment, but about where your lives might go together. Whether it's imagining shared experiences, holidays, or even bigger commitments like living together or starting a family, love has a way of naturally making you think long-term.

    When you truly love someone, you don't just see them in your life right now—you see them in your future. It's not about forcing these thoughts; they just happen organically. You begin to picture what your life could look like as a team, tackling challenges and celebrating milestones together. This vision might not always be crystal clear, but the fact that you're even thinking ahead says a lot.

    Having these thoughts of the future doesn't mean you're rushing into anything. Rather, it's a reflection of your deep emotional connection. You care enough about them to want them in your life for the long haul. If you find yourself imagining the two of you navigating life's journey together, it's a pretty strong indication that love is driving those thoughts.

    6. You Love Their Quirks

    When you love someone, their quirks and unique habits become endearing rather than irritating. The little things they do—the way they laugh, how they fidget when nervous, or their quirky interests—are part of what makes them, them. Instead of trying to change these traits, you embrace them as part of the package, seeing them as lovable details that set this person apart.

    True love isn't about perfection. It's about loving someone for who they are, including their oddities and imperfections. In fact, these quirks often become the things you miss most when they're not around. It's these unique characteristics that make your relationship feel special, personal, and different from anything else.

    When you can appreciate and even adore the small, strange things about someone—rather than being frustrated by them—that's a huge sign of love. You're not trying to fit them into a mold or change them; you're accepting them fully, quirks and all. Love isn't about finding someone perfect, it's about finding someone whose imperfections you wouldn't change for the world.

    7. You Feel Safe and Comfortable with Them

    One of the most telling signs of love is when you feel completely safe and comfortable around someone. You don't have to put up walls or wear a mask. Instead, you can be your true, authentic self without fear of judgment. In their presence, you feel at peace, knowing that they accept you for who you are, flaws and all.

    This sense of safety isn't just physical; it's emotional. You feel secure enough to share your deepest fears, your wildest dreams, and your most vulnerable moments. When you love someone, their presence brings a sense of calm and comfort, even during tough times. You know that no matter what happens, they will support you and stand by your side. This emotional security is the bedrock of any loving relationship.

    If you find that you can relax and let your guard down around this person, it's a strong sign that love is part of the equation. Feeling safe and comfortable is crucial for long-term emotional intimacy, and it's something that only deep, genuine love can create.

    8. Your Priorities Shift Around Them

    When you truly love someone, your priorities start to shift, often without you even realizing it. It's not about losing yourself or giving up what matters to you, but about naturally making room for this person in your life. You begin to think about them when making decisions—big or small. Whether it's rearranging your schedule to spend more time together or considering their feelings when making life choices, they begin to factor into your world in meaningful ways.

    This shift isn't forced; it just happens as love grows. Suddenly, things that once seemed important might take a backseat because you value your relationship and the happiness it brings. You start planning around them, wanting to ensure their well-being is part of your considerations.

    Love means considering someone else's needs alongside your own, and that's reflected in how your priorities begin to adjust. If you're finding that you're willing to compromise or adapt your life to include this person in your plans, that's a strong indicator of love's presence.

    9. You Can't Imagine Life Without Them

    When you love someone, it's hard to imagine your life without them in it. It's not just about the big moments—they're there in your day-to-day thoughts, routines, and future plans. Even thinking about a life where they're not present feels incomplete or unsettling. This doesn't mean you're dependent on them, but rather that their presence has become a fundamental part of your happiness and well-being.

    Love has a way of weaving someone into the fabric of your life. You envision growing together, supporting each other through challenges, and celebrating triumphs side by side. If the idea of being without them seems unbearable or if they've become someone you simply can't picture your life without, it's a pretty clear sign that love has taken root. This kind of connection goes beyond fleeting feelings—it's about building a life together.

    It's the realization that they bring out the best in you, and you in them. That sense of completeness, of not wanting to go through life without them by your side, is one of love's most powerful indicators.

    What Happens If You're Not Sure?

    Sometimes, even with all the signs in place, uncertainty still creeps in. Love isn't always easy to decipher, especially when emotions feel overwhelming or confusing. If you're not sure whether what you're feeling is love, that's okay. It's completely normal to question your emotions, especially when they carry so much weight.

    The key is to give yourself time. Love often reveals itself over time through actions, shared experiences, and the way you feel about someone in different situations. Don't rush to label your feelings—let them develop naturally. Reflect on the signs you've noticed and trust your instincts. If you're uncertain, ask yourself whether you feel safe, valued, and excited about your future together. These feelings are often the strongest indicators of love.

    It's also helpful to have honest conversations with your partner. Sometimes, talking openly about your feelings can bring clarity. Love is a journey, and it's okay to take your time to understand where your heart stands. Ultimately, love is something you feel deep within—when you know, you know.

    Final Thoughts: Trust Your Heart

    At the end of the day, love isn't something you can always analyze with logic or checklists. It's a feeling, a connection, and often, a leap of faith. While it's helpful to recognize the signs that point to love, trusting your own heart is equally important. You know yourself better than anyone, and deep down, you'll feel whether what you're experiencing is genuine love.

    Love doesn't always follow a linear path—it's full of ups and downs, uncertainties, and revelations. What matters most is how it makes you feel over time. If you feel safe, seen, and cherished by the person you're with, and if you find joy in their happiness, then love is likely at play. Give yourself the grace to trust your emotions and the journey they take you on.

    Remember, love isn't about perfection or constantly feeling on cloud nine. It's about showing up for each other, growing together, and navigating life's twists and turns side by side. Trust your heart, listen to your instincts, and allow love to unfold naturally.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm – A timeless exploration of what it means to truly love and be loved.
    • All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks – A powerful look at love's many forms and how we can approach it with openness.
    • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman – A guide to understanding how we give and receive love in different ways.

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