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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    How To Approach Falling For A Friend - Exploring The Grey Areas

    Are you struggling with feelings of love and friendship towards a close friend? Has the emotional journey become overwhelming, or even confusing? If so, you’re not alone. Falling for a friend isn’t an uncommon experience, but the thought of disrupting a long-standing friendship can be scary. While exploring the path of a romantic relationship with your friend requires a carefully calculated approach and communication, it’s not impossible to pursue.

    To complicate matters further, the lines between friendship and love have become increasingly blurred in today’s society. People are now more frequently in relationships with their friends than ever before, forming incredibly strong bonds. Despite the bond, there is always a level of risk involved when developing new emotions for someone who was once a friend; however, if you take the proper precautions, there’s potential to grow a new, strong romance with a person who has been by your side throughout your journey.

    The first thing to recognize is that there are degrees of falling for a friend. Perhaps you’ve started to recognize a different kind of chemistry beyond just a platonic relationship. Maybe there are moments of lingering glances over a conversation, something that has piqued your interest and made you wonder; or, it could be something more, like a desire to be around each other and explore a deeper connection. From there, you may be conflicted; after all, your friend may not be on the same page as you. So, what do you do?

    The best action you can take is to express to your friend how you feel without overstepping boundaries. Honesty is key here, in order to maximize the level of comfort you share with one another. Make sure to keep in mind how your words and actions will affect your friend; for instance, instead of just outright asking if they’re ready to pursue a romantic connection, use constructive language to assess your emotions and make sure that any tense conversations stay light and don’t overwhelm either party involved. It may also be helpful to establish boundaries beforehand and talk to each other about expectations, to avoid getting your feelings hurt in the future should this venture in romance not work out.

    It’s important to remain optimistic while opening up a possibility of commitment with a friend, yet not to be naive. During this time of vulnerable emotions, prepare yourself for any outcome, be it disappointment or elation. Remain prepared physically and mentally, as if this friendship is about to become a relationship like any other. Make sure your needs are met, and that your partner is authentic, relying on trust and transparency within the relationship. Acceptance is paramount, as it will help let you both embrace all changes with a positive attitude and move forward in strength.

    If you decide that you want to pursue a romantic relationship with a friend, it’s important to acknowledge the risks. Take care to remember the ins and outs of a friendship - the highs and the lows, the laughs and the tears. Even if the friend is someone who you closely connect with on an intellectual level, jumping into a relationship means exposing yourself to all parts of that other person. Perhaps undeniably it means creating a new structure and dynamic to replace what once was a “normal” friendship.

    So, here is the question that remains: Is it worth it? It’s normal to feel apprehensive in a situation of unknowing, but if you have genuine feelings of love towards your friend, why not give it a try? While the outcome is uncertain, if you handle the situation maturely, the end result could be forever rewarding. Even if you don’t make it a point to pursue a romantic relationship, staying friends is an honorable outcome that shouldn’t be brushed off lightly. Like all aspects of life, it takes practice — and a lot of communication — knowing that it may not always work out as intended. In other words, as long as you recognize the risks and handle them with mutual respect, taking the friendship to a different level can ultimately be beneficial and lead to a healthy, happy relationship.

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