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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Dealing with Mixed Signals in Relationship

    Sometimes it's hard to figure out what someone else is trying to say. Mixed signals - those moments when two people seem to be on two different wavelengths - can be frequent in relationships because different people communicate in different ways. But the difficulty of navigating a situation where the lines of communication aren't clear isn't impossible; it just requires patience and an open mind.

    It starts by deciding to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Become attuned to their position and think about why they might be sending mixed signals in the first place. Could they be struggling to understand their own feelings? Is there a fear of intimacy at play? Are they uncertain about your relationship status? Or has something outside of your relationship shaken their trust in you?

    When unclear communication arises, you have to be willing to ask questions and to start a dialogue. It may be uncomfortable but it's worth it. Making an effort to truly listen to them – without judgement or assumptions – enables both of you to find a positive resolution. It means paying attention to their body language and voice, engaging with their points without trying to wrap everything up too quickly. Remember, it's important to also take breaks whenever needed, particularly if either of you become too overwhelming.

    Another factor is to give each other the space and time to figure out what you both want. Sure, spontaneity is great but it’s also necessary to be mindful of the other person’s boundaries. Sometimes what looks like a pause or a halt can simply be a sign that one or both of you needs a breather. Move forward gradually, focusing on addressing any issues as they arise rather than pushing everything forward too quickly.

    It's ok to not have all the answers, nor to resolve everything right away. Take it slow and be your genuine, understanding self; don’t pressure the other person to come to agreements which neither of you are fully ready for. At the same time, know when to acknowledge that the current situation may not be right for either of you.

    It all comes down to finding balance and understanding, which is a process that requires time to get right. Mixed signals can be difficult to navigate, but it’s always possible to keep an open mind and take steps toward an eventual resolution. With patience and sincerity, anything is achievable.

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