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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Turning the Corner in Challenging Situations

    It is natural for all of us to encounter difficult circumstances that leave us feeling discouraged and helpless. As human beings, we will inevitably face hardship, tragedy, and disappointment - experiences that can cause us to feel overwhelmed and stuck. When immersed in life's curve-balls, it's easy to forget that transformation is possible. It is possible to not only endure complicated situations, but also shift one’s perspective to something more positive and empowering. Doing so starts with learning to effectively manage the challenges at hand.

    Before we can achieve any sense of growth or progress, we must first learn to effectively identify and analyze the situation. The cause of an issue has its own set of components and conditions, some of which may be hidden or hard to recognize. To begin, we need to honestly assess our current experience. What exactly do you see? What challenges do you face? How has the situation affected you and those around you?

    The next step is slowly breaking down what is happening. It can be helpful to write down our observations in a journal or diary - this process allows us to more closely examine our thoughts and feelings about the difficulty we face. Furthermore, this exercise helps us identify the underlying triggers behind our challenges, enabling us to become better prepared for how to move forward. It is important to remember that some of these triggers are completely out of our control, and thus, whatever power we have comes from within ourselves.

    Once we have outlined the worries and difficulties, the time has come to create realistic strategies to overcoming them. All strategies start with goals, which should be tailored to our individual needs, and then planned out in incremental stages. Starting small increases our likelihood of success; then as more successes come, more confidence follows and bigger projects can be put into action. We also need to ensure that our goals and strategies align with our values and qualities.

    We may still find that the path is difficult and winding, but this is part of the journey. Along the way, we must practice self-care to prevent overload and burnout. Taking care of our needs - both physical and emotional — strengthens our ability to deal with stressful situations and boosts our overall wellbeing. Whether through short meditation sessions, a massage, a body scrub, a cooling facial mask - the pampering works wonders.

    Life operates on a cycle, and sometimes we need to take a step back and recognize that a dark patch is an indication of a transition. Without transitions, we cannot learn, grow, and evolve. We must recognize that turning points open up opportunities, and provide ways out of challenging circumstances. Thus, having an attitude of patience and openness during periods of difficulty is key - it is one step towards healing and cultivating resilience.

    It boils down to personal choice - our choices are central to achieving fulfillment. Learning to weather life's storms with a dose of personal responsibility and strength will allow us to turn the corner in difficult situations. If faced with a challenging circumstance, no matter how big or small, it is essential to remember that transformations are not just possible - but inevitable.

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