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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    How To Pursue Balance In Life When You Feel You Are Doing Too Much

    We can all feel overwhelmed at times, as if we are being pulled in various directions and trying to maintain a balance between our different obligations. It can be difficult to manage a career, keeping up with social relationships and family commitments, as well as maintaining personal hobbies and activities. We understand why you might feel like you need to know whether or not you are doing the right thing.

    When it comes to finding the right balance between work, life, and pleasure, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is something each of us has to figure out for ourselves, but certain guidelines can help you get it right.

    The first step is to understand your priorities. We've all heard it before - what's important to someone else may not be important to us. Take some time to focus on yourself and your own needs. Think about your goals, what you really want to do with your life. Consult an old journal, think back to high school days, and consider what truly matters to you. When you have a better understanding of what you want, you will find it easier to make decisions.

    Next, start discerning who and what deserves your energy. What tasks should take priority? Where do you allocate your limited resources? For example, if you are torn between attending a friend's dinner party and finishing up a work assignment, which should be given priority? Clearly, there is no clear-cut answer to this, since different circumstances call for different responses. However, whatever decision you make, always strive for integrity.

    You also need to develop boundaries and limits. Be honest about what you can and cannot do. Don't overextend yourself and set expectations that you can never meet. Make sure to negotiate commitments that are both reasonable and achievable. Acknowledge when something is just too much.

    It is also crucial to be open and direct when communicating with people. Don't let things become too strained. Always be considerate and respectful when dealing with others, but also unafraid to voice your opinion. Do not be afraid to ask questions too, so that you can better understand your own choices.

    Finally, learn to accept that mistakes happen. Be open to forgive yourself and to others. And remember - life is not a competition. Allow yourself to take a break from the world and enjoy the simple things in life. Make sure to take proper rest, relax and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

    Living a balanced life requires effort and genuine commitment. It can take a while before you perfect the art of knowing when to stay and when to go. But eventually, when you combine self-awareness and realistic expectations with a little bit of breathing room, striking a healthy balance between work and play won't seem so difficult.

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