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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Coming Out of Desperation - A Guide for Finding the Strength within

    When life throws us down, it can feel like we’re in a never-ending cycle of profound desperation. The feeling of desperation transcends difficulty and is often founded in a sense of hopelessness, occurring when negative emotions such as fear, sadness, and despair seem insurmountable.

    It's natural to feel despondent in difficult times. However, this feeling is unsustainable and it is essential that individuals overcome feelings of desperation to break out of negative thought patterns. This article will provide guidance on how to tap into one’s inner strength and motivation to gain the courage and confidence needed to step out of a situation of desperation.

    The first step to finding inner strength is to recognize that all thoughts, emotions, and experiences can be acknowledged without judgement. Allowing ourselves to truly feel all the emotions present is essential in order to transition out of feelings of desperation. We must understand that our thoughts may be racing, we may feel hopeless, and that, at the same time, this is all okay. Reframing our relationship with our inner dialogue will allow us to become more aware of our inner strengths, and power.

    Of course, it is not necessarily easy to ‘switch off’ these thoughts and emotions, especially when we are in heightened states of desperation. To help, we can use widely accepted techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is an empirically grounded psychotherapy that helps individuals to modify problematic behaviors by analyzing entrenched mindsets and unhelpful thought patterns. Put simply, CBT works by identifying and addressing troubling or limiting beliefs, by replacing them with more accurate and functional perspectives. This helps individuals to gain the confidence needed to address the source of the emotional upheaval.

    We must also remember the importance of self-compassion. Compassion is defined as a deep awareness and acceptance of our feelings, both good and bad. It is the recognition of our shared humanity and understanding that we often strive for perfection or a certain ideal, yet fall short of this desired perfection. When trying to find inner strength, we should take pause and show ourselves compassion, understanding that life is inherently complex, and our responses to it are equally so.

    A major component in managing desperation is connecting with others who can provide us with a safe space. It is important to identify and connect with supportive people in our lives with whom we can turn to for comfort and validation. Encouraging and trusting these key relationships can foster necessary resilience, particularly when in moments of desperation and anxiety. Having self-assurance can further contribute to increasing our pool of supportive friends and family.

    It is essential to ensure that there is a balance between addressing our personal needs and taking action to move towards positive outcomes. While it is normal to feel overwhelmed or depressed at times and may lead to feelings of desperation, it is also essential to break out of the cycle and pursue activities that promote the inherent resilience to move forward. Neglecting these activities may exacerbate the despondency.

    Finding inner strength can come from an outlook of gratitude. Practicing gratitude can include writing down three things one is grateful for each day, thankful for the people in your life, and considering goodness in any form. Transitioning out of feelings of desperation and hopelessness often includes unlocking your capacity to appreciate the small moments in life.

    Life becomes easier when we become comfortable with embracing our imaginative potential, connected with relationships that support us, and practice acts of gratitude. We must unlock inner strength to accept all thoughts and feelings, practice self-compassion, reach out for relationships that validate us, maintain balance between self-care and action steps, and practice appreciation for the small signs of goodness in life. In doing so, we will discover the strength within, allowing us to come out of desperation and thrive.

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