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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Closer to Home: Finding Clarity Through Understanding Your Core Self

    It is not uncommon to experience moments of feeling that you are just spinning your wheels with no definite purpose or direction and not knowing what to do. You may have faced many obstacles and have trouble getting from point A to point B. These moments of perplexity can be difficult and disheartening, but, like anything else in life, it can be worked through and there is a way forward. In order to come to self-actualized clarity with your life purpose, sometimes you need to look within by exploring your core self.

    When we feel lost, it can be hard to motivate ourselves to take action and often the problem arises because our true identity, our core self, has been neglected or overlooked. The concept of the ‘core self’ can often be deceiving – the core is neither what we think of ourselves nor how we act, but instead, it is our inner source of guidance that can help us make those tricky decisions and gain direction in our lives.

    We are made up of many elements, including our heart, mind, spirit, and body. All of these elements also make up our core self, but in order to access it, one must recognize each element as valuable and important. Furthermore, acquiring clear knowledge about each element is key in honing in on your unique life purpose. Allowing yourself to recognise and embrace your full capacity is liberating and life changing.

    The best way to get in touch with your core self is to take time for meaningful introspection. It can seem daunting to dive head first into exploring the inner depths of yourself, but when done with an open heart, you’ll be surprised at the realizations that await. Start off small; carve out a few minutes out of your day to think, meditate, or however it is you best reflect on things. Step away from the daily grind of work and errands and take yourself to a quiet space where you can focus and listen. Sift through layers of emotions to find your truth and become mindful of your values and aspirations.

    When old beliefs come up in your process, acknowledge them and do not be afraid to explore new possibilities. This is when you start to build awareness around yourself and how you fit into various aspects of society. Explore how the core elements intersect; how they are all shaping your life journey. Once you have clarity on these components, big or small decisions become easier to make.

    When you reach this place, it allows life to flow more freely, opening new doors with endless possibilities. It is possible for you to move forward without confusedly stuck in indecision. With this newfound focus and direction, you can begin to create the life that you envisioned and make meaningful progress. So, next time you don’t know what direction to take in times of perplexity, remember that the answer lies closer to home.

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