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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Is He Really Into You? 8 Signs to Help Determine if He's worth Pursuing

    Dating can be complicated, especially when you are getting into a relationship with someone new. But it doesn't have to be! Knowing the right signs that tell you if he's into you or not will help make the process smoother and allow for there to be less tension in your interactions with him.

    One great way to tell if he's into you is if he is making an effort to get to know you. He might be asking you questions about yourself and really listening to what you have to say. To show he’s interested, he may even take initiative in planning different things for you two to do together. Even small touches, like holding your hand or giving you a hug around your shoulders, can be clues that he's into you.

    Another sign of interest is if he is making the effort to stay connected. This doesn’t necessarily have to be through face-to-face contact but also through texts, calls and other forms of communication. If a guy is constantly trying to keep in touch with you, that’s a good indication that he may be falling for you. He likely wants to know what you are up to and how you are doing throughout the day.

    Another sign he might be really into you is if he compliments you often. Finding ways to point out your beauty and talents is a fantastic way for him to make you feel great about yourself. Plus, it’s a sign that he is paying attention and appreciates the small things you do.

    Additionally, you’ll notice if he makes an effort to spend time around you and your friends. If he joins in on game nights and hangs out with your friends, that’s a strong indicator that he realizes how important they are to you, and he wants to get to know them as well because they’re important to you.

    Moreover, a huge sign he’s into you is if he's quick to help. If he offers to help around the house, run errands with you, or otherwise lend a helping hand, then that might mean he is deeply invested in your wellbeing and shows through his actions that your happiness matters to him.

    Finally, if he expresses genuine interest in meeting your parents and is thinking about introducing you to his family, this is a great sign he’s really into you. People commit to those that they value and this is a gesture that goes beyond words.

    Although it can be difficult to gauge when someone is truly interested in you in terms of dating, these signs should prove helpful in giving you a better idea of whether or not you should pursue something with him. Noticing these behaviors may give you better insight into his feelings and whether or not he is worth pursuing. Just remember that nobody is perfect, so try to take the time to appreciate what is special and unique about him and your relationship.

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