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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    7 Unconventional Ways to Ask a Guy to Hangout

    Breaking the Ice – Confidence is Key

    The word "hangout" could stir butterflies in the stomach of the bravest among us, especially when the intention is to ask that someone special. Fear not! This guide will break down the intimidating walls of dating norms and equip you with seven engaging and fun ways to ask a guy to hangout.

    To commence this journey, let's first address the elephant in the room – the anxiety of initiating. Asking someone to hangout can seem daunting, not least because it's traditionally expected that men should make the first move. But why conform to such outdated stereotypes? Here's where your audacious spirit can pave the way to a potentially enriching experience.

    Asking a guy out does not make you desperate or pushy. Instead, it shows your confidence, independence, and a willingness to go for what you want. Moreover, most men find it refreshing and attractive when a woman takes the initiative.

    Building your confidence is crucial to kickstart this process. Start by adopting a positive mindset. Banish any negative thoughts about rejection. everyone has experienced rejection in some form, and it is not a reflection of your worth but merely a part of life's myriad experiences. Embrace the possibility of rejection as a path to growth, not a roadblock.

    Secondly, try to get to know the guy in a low-pressure setting before you ask him to hangout. Shared interests make for excellent conversation starters and can create a natural opening for you to suggest spending more time together.

    Be yourself! Authenticity is key to genuine connection. Let your true colors shine through; it's what makes you uniquely you.

    Crafting Your Approach – Be Uniquely You

    The next step is deciding how to ask him out. Your approach should reflect your personality and be authentic to who you are. With that in mind, here are three fun and unconventional methods you might consider.

    1. The Direct Approach: works best for those who are straight-shooters. There's no ambiguity or games involved. While maintaining eye contact, you could say something like, "I enjoy our conversations. Would you like to hangout sometime?"

    2. The Subtle Suggestion: 're more the type to beat around the bush, try dropping hints or suggesting shared interests. "I'm going to check out that new art exhibit this weekend, it seems right up your alley," or "Have you tried that new Thai place? I've heard it's fantastic!" If he picks up on your cues, he might just ask you himself!

    3. The Group Invitation: to a group event can remove a lot of the pressure that comes with one-on-one hangouts. It's a perfect way for those who prefer the comfort of familiar faces. "My friends and I are going bowling this weekend. You should join us!"

    4. The Casual Text: 's digital age, asking someone to hangout over text is commonplace and less intimidating. A casual message like, "I've been wanting to try this new coffee shop downtown. Care to join?" can work wonders.

    5. The Shared Interest Invitation: both share a hobby or interest, capitalize on that. "I'm heading to the comic book store later, would you like to come along?" or "There's a rock climbing class this weekend, I think we'd both enjoy it." This shows you pay attention to what he likes and provides a common ground.

    6. The Bold and Flirty Proposition: a dash of courage and a sprinkle of flirtation. It could be as simple as, "I've got two tickets to the movies. I think we'd make a pretty cute date." This approach makes your romantic interest clear, and it might be just the nudge he needs to see you in a new light.

    7. The Learning Opportunity: 's expressed an interest in something you're skilled at, invite him to learn from you. This not only puts you in your element but also gives you a chance to impress him subtly. You could say, "I heard you're interested in learning guitar. I could give you a few lessons, if you're up for it?"

    There's no one-size-fits-all approach. What matters most is that your invitation feels natural and true to you.

    Timing and Follow-through – Seize the Moment

    Once you've decided on your approach, it's time to consider timing. Make sure to ask him out at a comfortable and suitable time – not when he's in a rush or visibly stressed. A casual setting is generally the best.

    Moreover, don't be disheartened if he doesn't say yes immediately. He might need time to process your invitation, especially if he didn't expect it. That doesn't mean a no; give him the space to think it through.

    After he says yes (because he will, believe in yourself!), follow-through is critical. Make sure you have a plan for your hangout and communicate it to him clearly. This not only shows that you're serious but also helps to keep any awkwardness at bay.

    Handling Rejection and Moving Forward – Bravery in Vulnerability

    What if he says no? Well, it's important to remember that a rejection is not a reflection of you as a person. It's not about your worth or desirability. It simply means that, for a myriad of possible reasons, he isn't able or willing to hangout at this time.

    Embrace the bravery in your vulnerability. After all, it takes courage to put yourself out there and risk rejection. There's a great deal of power and growth to be found in such moments, so don't shy away from them.

    Remember this: life is a grand adventure, and you're the protagonist of your story. So, go ahead, make that first move. And it's not just about asking a guy to hangout. It's about embracing who you are, expressing your desires confidently, and most importantly, enjoying the journey.


    1. "Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown
    2. "He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
    3. The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connection, and Courage - a TED talk by Brené Brown

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