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He ,my ex tried to add me on facebook.

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So this morning ,i saw a ,,friend request from B''.He connected me with the phone number i guess because we were never friends on facebook during 7 month relationship ..Why in the world wed be friends on facebook now ? just cause me more pain ? .I did not add him ,i clicked on the ,,not now'' ...so i cannot see his updates.The text contact threw me of the loop for a moment,and since he is an edgy person,i ended quick to text convo with ,,ok .take care.wish you the best.i got to go''....that would have got really messy.No i did not respond to his friend request and i am proud of it.

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Sounds like he wants to keep tabs on you.


Agree. If he's edgy like you say he is, than you need to stay away. Friendships with Ex's are sketchy at best. if you were together for seven months and he's trying to contact you like this, then it can only cause you trouble for healing.

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Agree. If he's edgy like you say he is, than you need to stay away. Friendships with Ex's are sketchy at best. if you were together for seven months and he's trying to contact you like this, then it can only cause you trouble for healing.


yup,dmjord,he suffers from bipolar disorder and he says he is under the meds but....im trying to move on.I loved this man to bits,i allways wil care for him ,but i want to date too and be free.He is edgy yup...i know th friendship would end up in a mess since, he flies off the handle really quick.He is like,we can be friends and even see each other if u dont talk about past,so friendship is very conditional....and yup i want to move on.I dont even want to see him.Im not ready ,i treid to be civile and said.I wish you to be happy.He was like ,before u think about my happiness think about yours ...see,very messy.

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I'll give him that much but BPD is messy. Moving on doesn't mean people don't care about their exes. It just means that they can't stay in the past, hoping for what used to be.


dmjord,i looked up his facebook the other day and started to cry just by seeing his face....thats why i m not in the position at this moment to have him on facebook.I had a hard time when he replied to my text calling me by my name...and he always called me,,honey''.I stood cool about it.I did text him to check on him after 7 weeks.since break up.I m moving on the best i can....maybe one day we ll be able to be close as friends when i am actually healed.but right now i am not healed.I do wish him the best and he knows that.

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I'll tell you what others have told me, even though it hurt to hear it. They told me to give up hope of 'friends down the road' or any reconciliation because having hope will hold me back. Right now, i have no hope of hearing from my ex. She does have a good heart even though I think she handled things poorly in areas. But the only way to heal is for me to assume I'll never see or hear from her again. You seem to know what it takes. So i wish you the best in pursuit of your healing.

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I'll tell you what others have told me, even though it hurt to hear it. They told me to give up hope of 'friends down the road' or any reconciliation because having hope will hold me back. Right now, i have no hope of hearing from my ex. She does have a good heart even though I think she handled things poorly in areas. But the only way to heal is for me to assume I'll never see or hear from her again. You seem to know what it takes. So i wish you the best in pursuit of your healing.


You are right...he seems to still value me still as a friend ,but its not enough...its heartbreaking yes...i started to see someone else ,and my new friend knows that i am not healed 100 % ...he understands that and is there for me.I know it may not sound fair to the other person,but i do hope i will love again one day when my heart is ready for it.

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