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I think its the right thing to do...


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So im with this guy he says he "loves me" but all I seem to do is upset him, when I'm trying and when im not... I'm extremely embarrassing and socially retarded hes outgoing and confident, he likes drinking and smoking weed, I dont do any of that.. The "deep" conversations he has with other people not with me, instead all he does is critique everything about me.. I know I shouldnt be surprised because this whole relationship started because I didnt get an abortion... ( ill let u fill in the blanks) anyway its so superficial and I'm tired of feeling so worthless and making someone feel the way i make him feel isnt what i want in my life.. I've only had one other relationship and was with that person for two years, but it was the same thing he was ashamed of me and always annoyed bc I always messed crap up.. but with him i feel there was so much more to be upset about genuine reasons, not just because he hated every single little thing about me he looked passed a lot of my flaws he hardly brought them up because he knew it hurt me.. granted he didnt want to keep being with me and had a reason, i left and always faught with him.im tired of how this guy makes me feel its every single day, I think it would be better if we broke up.

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I agree. DTMFA Send anyone who makes you feel tired, worthless, like you have to walk on eggshells, criticizes you etc. on their way. It simply isn't worth it and it just keeps your confidence so low that that's the only type of people you continue to attract. Actually, that's not entirely true. We all attract people like that regardless, it's just that people with self-confidence and self-respect send people like your soon-to-be ex on their way once they see that's how it's going to be.


Work on learning to be happy with yourself first, go out and accomplish things no matter how small you might think they are, and then focus on finding someone you have things in common with who values you. Yes, it's work to do that. Yes, it may take some time. But yes, you will be soooo much happier.


Never allow anyone who doesn't make your life better stay in it. Never. Break up and go back out there and get some things done for yourself. You aren't socially retarded, but being with someone who puts you down all the time will make you feel that way. And he's not outgoing and confident, he's a mean jerk who probably talks too much and most people in the end shun him when they see his nasty side. He likely just keeps telling you how great he is and how you aren't and has sort of brainwashed you. I've had people like that in the past and used to think the same thing, only to find out later everyone couldn't stand those people because they ran their mouths all the time and were rude. One ex I dated for a short time was like that. Years later I ran into a mutual friend who told me, "I never understood what you saw in that creep. He wouldn't shut up and I just wanted to punch him in the mouth." I told him I wish he had, me too, and we both laughed then went our merry ways.


Get this guy out of your life then go get a makeover, go find something you're good at, go see a movie that makes you feel great. Go do whatever it takes to make you feel better about yourself that isn't tied to anything, but what you do for yourself. It does get easier, your confidence does grow with time and experience. You will be fine. This guy on the other hand, sadly, will continue to be a .

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I agree. Sadly, the relationship has taken it's toll.

Never stick around with anyone who belittles you like this. You do NOT need that. And it is not 'love', at all.


Remove yourself from him.. work on healing for a while n I'm sure you will meet someone better than him.


Tc.. of you


good luck

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I have that confirmation.. Any person would leave right? i feel depressed that in real life you cant express feeling and have the other person genuinely take it into consideration and create change, im sure he's more than aware of how he makes me feel but he doesnt care.... im tired of all of it and do deserve better, hell if I've worked on being better than i was I deserve someone who takes me into consideration rather than beat me down.. I just dont know how to go about it, I'm afraid because I do genuinely love him but there's so much missery, i know he wouldnt care if i left he's constantly checking out other women in front of me and having conversations with them so it would just be like I never happened.. but I do love him and i know I deserve better, idk how to wrap my head around all this because I have the knowledge of all this and yet I cant put it into action.

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O nevermind -_- so AFTER EVERYTHING i wanted to be intimate, at around 2am.. He's been awake past that time mind you, we're sharing a room with this girl that he spends time with, he works with her and spends a lot of time with her, she's not the first girl he's befriended and spent time with so I try not to dwell to much on that fact but its different when I'm actually seeing how he interacts, he's a completely different and charming person.. He's not that way with me, instead he's cold and always annoyed and he wont even hold me unless he's dead asleep and I grab his arm. Anyway.. trying to be intimate huge mistake because that only hurt me even more he freaked out bc he didnt want to wake her up, granted shes on the other side of the rm and there wouldnt have been a lot of noise.... I wanted to try, I know many women in this posistion sharing a rm with another person wouldnt, but its been longer than a month since i've been intimate. So now he's angry with me for trying. I have to believe that any other guy would have at least been considerate instead of flash on their partner?

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