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how can you tell the difference between a "friendly" hug or a "intimate" hug?


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just curious.. i hugged this guy today and i had a great day with him and all...

but i couldnt if that hug meant a "lovers" hug or friendly hug...


i really hope its not a lover hug cause im not ready to go into a relationship as yet... =/...i dont want to exactly date the guy either...


can you help me tell the difference between it all...?


the hug that i had was kind of long ...like more than 3 seconds....


should i be looking into that?


although i did notice through out the day that he was leaning againts me alot...find ways to touch me ( not sexually or anything) just a touch of the hand...or when we were sitting he was very close to me...am i looking over this??????

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IMO This really does depend on the person and their personal habits (varies widely)....but I do have different hugs that I give my male friends vs men I'm interested in--a friend hug isn't tight (ie: your shoulder area might connect--but not upper torso)....it sounds to me that he was flirting throughout the day....sounds like he's interested in more than friendship...

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