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How long into the relationship do you wait to say I LOVE YOU?

Moon Riser

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There is no time limit on these things and it's different for everybody. Some people say it within weeks and others take a whole year or longer. I say the best time to say it is when you genuinely feel it and don't expect it back in return. Don't just say it for the sake of saying it.

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He started saying it at 3 months. Took me around 5 months to say it. I'm not the sort of person who uses those 3 words too often, not often at all actually... and sometimes he says that he feels 'insecure' about this. I don't want to promote this sense of insecurity but i want to say it when i truly feel like it and to be honest, having said those 3 words before does not mean that i have to say it every time we see each other. So, say it when you feel like it's coming from your heart. Those 3 words deserve genuine emotions.

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Yeah, far too often are those 3 words used without their true meaning...


My best mate always ends his calls to his girlfriend with a quick "I love you", and my ex-g always did the same. I'd always reciprocate because of course I did love her yet it is far more satisfying when its at a good moment, rather than every second or day. And as for the first time, I think a good time is when you geniunely feel it, and you have just had a really nice day out or something.

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Many people say "I love you" as if they are commenting on the weather. In other words, it is something to say and it is about as deep as discussions about the weather. When it is true love the actions will show the love loud and clear and the other person will feel it without words ever being spoken. Far better to use those three words sparingly than to use them frequently as just something to say. Say it when you really really mean it...when you are out of the honeymooen/infatuation stage of the relationship and into the real love stage.

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i've been dating my guy for 8 months now and we haven't really exchanged i love you's yet. i'm not really sure if it's because i still don't feel that i truly love him, or if i'm just waiting for him to tell it to me first. i'm not even sure if i'll be able to reciprocate should he finally say those 3 words to me. i stop worrying about it though and i just try to enjoy creating memories and growing in this relationship. like what the other posters said, there is no timeline. there are no hard or fast rules. everything will fall into place at the right time.

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My bf has never said the 'L' word (as he puts it) before - as he said, he doesn't even say it to his family, let alone ever to a girlfriend before - i also have rarely said it. Saturday nite 2 weeks ago, he had a couple glasses of wine and all i heard all nite, was that he 'really, really, really, really likes being with me - he just can't bring himself to say the 'L' word' - then again last weekend, he had a couple glasses and again i got the 'i really, really, really, really like you' - then he said, 'i think i may be falling in love with you' - to which i replied, 'i'm already there'...

I would like to think maybe he was just a little worried of my response which is why both times he's brought it up, he's had a couple of drinks - definitely not pissed though - so atleast maybe he's thinking about it...


My previous relationships, the guys have been total losers and on both occasions they said within the first couple of weeks. The fact that my current relationship now stands at 6 months-i guess when he does say it, atleast he'll mean it?

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We'd only been officially together for 3 weeks, but had been involved for about 4 months, known each other for 6 there shouldn't be a minimum duration, or anything like that. When you know, you know, it's an instinct, an urge.

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