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Sometimes We Gotta Do Things We Don't Want To Do...

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As the thread implies it is true...


After much discussion with my boyfriend on the topic of jobs and stuff I have decided that it is time to apply to positions that I feel I don't want to do. I have this mind set telling me I won't be able to deal with it, or I won't like the job because its not me...


The fact that I have no diplomas or certificates to get anything better does mean pretty much that my option is factory work or retail...

Currently our local Wal Mart, Zellers, Sobeys and Superstore need cashiers and stock crew. So later today I am going around to those places again and applying. I applied to these places off and on, but always turned down interviews for cash... So this time around I am going to go to any of the interviews they may offer me.


I have been unemployed for almost 7 months... So yeah and trust me the money is needed. My credit card already has 900 dollars charged to it and that 900 bucks is not garbage type charges, were talking (I need to survive) charges, as in rent, food, power bill... Yeah... Anyways I am still making the minimum payment but still, I don't want to go in debt entirely and ruin my credit. I have been wrong in my ways to sit back for 2 months applying to jobs that I think would suit me, while my boyfriend is working at fast food.


At this point I have decided to give cashier positions a go, if I at least apply and go to the interviews that will be something. All I can do is hope someone hires me.


Its really hard right now, my boyfriend is working fast food coming home every night so tired out because he works hard, he is depressed that we probably will not be able to do anything for our 2 year anniversary (just cost free stuff at home) I told him it was fine. Aside from that my sisters birthday is coming up then my boyfriends is Oct 1st then mine Nov 1st... Everyone understands my situation though.


I feel mean and rotten though for not ever giving these jobs a go. Yes I am insecure, worried, paranoid and have major anxiety issues but this is one of thise (you gotta go what you gotta do) situations.


Ah well all I can really hope for is getting a call and having a succcesfull interview. It would be nice to have some money again lol


I guess there was not much point this post... I just wanted to write it out, makes me feel better.

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good luck. glad you realize you gotta do something about being unemployed instead of thinking youre too good for these jobs like a lot of people . set aside money a little bit at a time and look into certificate or technical 2 year degree type things you can get into so you can get a better job in the future. if you dont have a GED get that first.

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Thanks for the replies everyone


yes, i would take these cashier jobs. do you have a high school diploma or the equivalent? what is it that you would like to do? you can also go to technical school and get a degree there instead of going the traditional college route.


Yes do have my high school diploma, I just have no other type of certificates or diplomas. I have thought about some college stuff but not often because I just don't know what type of career I might like...


You never know where those things can lead- you may start out as cashier and move up the ranks fairly quickly .. you never know. good luck!


Yeah that is true, even if I became a cashier and it stayed at that I could make it work. I am not looking for a promotion, thought it would be nice. At this point its ust about getting a job basically.


good luck. glad you realize you gotta do something about being unemployed instead of thinking youre too good for these jobs like a lot of people . set aside money a little bit at a time and look into certificate or technical 2 year degree type things you can get into so you can get a better job in the future. if you dont have a GED get that first.


I just want to comment on what you said here: "glad you realize you gotta do something about being unemployed instead of thinking youre too good for these jobs like a lot of people."


I just want you and everyone to know that I do not think that way. I do not think i am too good for any job. The only reason why I was so heistant to take chashier postions is because of my aniexty/anti-social issues...

I was not bought up to think I am better than anything. All I know is that I am a good person trying to improve my well being.


Anyways thanks for the comments all

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