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Completely stumped!


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So, I was convinced I had herpes and my doctor was as well. But I've gotten 2 swab tests and finally got the blood test and all 3 tests have come back negative.


My problems started back in the beginning of the year, I ended up in the hospital with swollen lymphnodes, a high fever, swelling, and discharge. The doctor at the ER was convinced I had gonorrhea or chlamydia. I tested negative for every test they gave me there as well.


Fast-forward a couple months and I get a similar problem. I have open sores that look almost like ingrown hairs. So I finally got the blood test but it came back negative! The doctor tells me that it's probably a really bad yeast infection since he says he noticed I had an external yeast infection when he examined me.


Has anyone ever had problems with this? Needless to say I'm glad the blood test came back negative but I'm completely stumped as to what's going on!!

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