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Why are my hands and feet always so cold???

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Does anyone else have the same problem?? The problem is especially bad during winter time. There are times when I don't feel cold but would still have cold feet and hands. Around this time I would always get these weird painful, itchy bumps on my fingers and toes. When I'm sitting in our office, I'm always the one that's complaining about the temperature in the room and what I consider as "comfortable" my coworkers tell me it is too hot for them and they would lower the thermastat. I tried to search on the internet about this problem but couldn't find a definite answer. Some say that it might be caused by a deficiency in iron or magnesium . . . so confused

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My hands and feet are always cold - they are right now! My ex bfs commented on it if we were holding hands or something ( my mum comments on it when she feels my hands if I say they're cold.


But when you say about how they're painful, I'm thinking possibly Raynaud's Syndrome? My mum has it - it's poor circulation in extremities, like hands, feet, sometimes nose! Blood vessels...just kind of...shut down. I'm not very good at explaining - you can find plenty on it if you pop it into google!

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It could be normal as I always have cold hands and feet even during the hot summer months and I also have the pain and tingling sensation in my fingers and toes but have been checked for possible problems and nothing to be found. But there could also be medical problems causing it such as poor circulation or even something as severe as heart problems, I never knew about the heart problem and cold hand/feet relation until my son was hospitilized and they were worried about his heart because of his hand/feet being cold even under a warmer. If its very bothersome i'd suggest seeing a specialist just to rule out serious problems.

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I have the same thing-cold hands and feet-all the time except when it is 90-100 degrees out. I am the one that wants the heat up too and everyone (especially men who are lucky as they seem not to have cold hands or feet) say it's too hot But not for me. I am the one who will run my hands and feet under really hot water or put them on the radiator....that's how cold they get--almost like a dead person!


Interesting--notice we're all female?

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I'm not a smoker, but I'm female! I have this too and I've suspected Raynauds, but everytime I go to the doctor they get warm and sweaty because I get nervous. Other than that they are cold 80% of the time. Even in the summer I have to have clothing with pockets or someone's hand to hold. In the winter they turn blue and get these strange orange blotches on them. When I get in the shower and they go under hot water, my hands and feet are so painful.


I've just always been like that. I've noticed it has improved a little bit with exercise. I've just been using these camping handwarmers for all of this winter.


I don't think there's much we can do about it.

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hi, i am male and have always had this problem too. the only time my hands are warm is during the hot summer, after a work-out, or after i've eaten like a plate of extra spicy fajitas! it's a real pain in the... fingers.

i don't smoke either. but then i'm not really a caveman either.

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I don't smoke and I've had this problem for as long as I can remember And it's just not during the winter, they get cold during the summer too! I looked up the symptons for Raynaud's and that doesn't seem to be the case for me. It said that if you have Raynaud's then your feet and fingers will turn white. I read something about having poor circulation but I exercise regularly and this still happens . . .

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I have the same problem! It's usually just my fingers though, not my toes. My latest theory is that it's because of frostbite...It is very likely that my hands were frostbitten at one point or another, and because they had to go through that, they are now more susceptible and sensitive to the cold. My mom swears that's what happened to her nose (and she actually remembers when it was frostbitten). Not sure if that's how biology works its destructive magic, but it makes sense to me at least.


As far as keeping warm...on a regular basis, I adore fingerless gloves, which still let me type and everything. Yes, my fingertips are exposed, but because the rest of the hand is warm, it's all good. If I have to venture outside when it's bitterly cold, I put on leather gloves with cashmere lining and then a pair of mittens over that.

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Bad circulation could be the cause like Jenn said but you really don't have much that's covering your feet & hands. My feet always gets cold!


I ride my bike a lot so there are lots of layering I do with wool & fleece socks. I think 20°F is about the limit LOL. Even fleece gloves sometimes didn't work it was sooo cold.


But I like the cold weather...can't stand hot cause you can't adjust!

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  • 1 year later...

Here is something you may want to check out. AUTO-HEMOAGGLUTINATION

This is a disease that is somewhat painful at first typically itching and burning. Then in the advanced stages your hands, feet, face and ears turn blue and your feet hurt so bad it is all but impossible to walk.


It could be a bad spleen or a type of lymphoma causing it. Typically there has been an infection of some type that set this into motion in your past. The infection could have been in your childhood. Good luck to you.

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  • 2 months later...


I only joined this website b/c I had googled the words " why are my hands and feet always so cold?"...I was born in OC, California, and raised in SC.

I've never experianced bad pain before in my hands and feet, just sub. zero temp. and my dad likes to joke. No one I know has cold hands like me yet my doctor tells me a lot of people do. And has no treatment or advice for me or my hands. My feet typiclly don't get to cold, if they do then the only way I can tell is if I touch something or someone warm with them. ( same for hands ) I'm female by the way. lol My ex. bf ( i believe) wanted nothing to do with holding my hands. He really didn't like it. Oh! by the way has anyone here noticed that if your hands and feet ect are cold, your normal body temp. is higher?... @ average I'm 99.7 F ( sorry that comment was soo ADD)..lol. But all jokes aside, I've had this since I can remember, and it's starting to get worse, if anyone has a solution or any advise, please let me know.

Thank you!

P.S.~ the reason my username is " Shinyhands " is b/c @ night when my hands are cold and white, they look like they shine..or glow almost, very " dead person looking".

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