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Nothing for me to do but video games :/

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Well ever since my best friend left too the marines and my other really good friend lives with my other friends i never have the urge to go over there.PLus i dont have a gf to spend time with so cut that out.All i do is play video games and work.Ive gotten into really bad sleeping habits like ill wake up 3 in the afternoon go to work come home at 10 and play games until 6 am or even sometimes 8 am.I play counter strike but im also practially addicted with world of warcraft.With my best friend gone....There is nothing to do and i miss him being here.Cause we would go to the mall with other friends and people,play baseball and just have fun.Ive turned from a yound teenager hanging around with the sports crowd and somewhat popular crowd that do things outside.To being the lonely video game nerd as along with my friends.Do any of u guys have this problem with video games and your life?

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Well, I am a gamer as well, but I am not quite as addicted.


My boyfriend, however, is in exactly the same situation as you. He is addicted to games, and he lives with a bunch of other people who are also addicted to games. The problem with that, is that they don't know a thing about each other, and friendships very rarely form in that household.


It has caused serious problems in our relationship more than once, and I have nearly left him over his gaming habit. And obviuosly you are well aware of the consequences this addiction has on one's social life.


If you want to overcome your addiction, I suggest joining a club or taking a class at your local recreation center or something along those lines. You'll meet new people and have fun at the same time. Heck, even joining a gaming club will put you in a new social realm. You don't have to give up gaming completely, but I do advise that you get out of it as soon as you can... I know 30 year old gamers who have lost their marriages to a game. Please don't let your situation get that bad.

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I was in the same boat until recently, was spending 12+ hours a day on games, I recently left my clan and got a new email/msn address and only added people I knew from the real world, and slowly working on regaining a social life, it will take time to get back to being socially active but I think it's more than worth it.


All I can suggest is already stated, get into some clubs or sign up for a part time college course if your not at college already.

Also try getting in contact with your other friends and getting them to go shopping or hang out or something.

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They are right man, you need to get out of the house more. Go anywhere even if your stuck going by yourself. Try hanging around a movie theater entrance cuz there are usually a lot of single girls walking around that like to talk. Just put down the video game controller and get out there to experience lifes adventures. Because by staying inside playing games the only adventure you are gonna have is the fiction one through a tv screen....

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I used to play video games for 18 hours a day, but then was when I got paid to do so. (Warcraft III Pro-Gamer).


Eventually, I just grew out of it. Probably because of girls, but I think in most cases it is just a phase. However, don't let it get out of hand.

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I agree with the others. Get out and meet new people. I signed up for a part time course and thoroughly enjoyed it. It got me out of the house, I met new people, I learned a lot of new stuff and I became more confident.


Good luck.

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Well no one is going to come, rescue you from your games and give you a life. You need to do that yourself. Sign up for a night course, or lessons in something you are interested in (martial arts, painting etc) or join a fun "beer league" for touch football, ultimate frisbee, etc.


You won't meet new friends or girlfriends for that matter sitting in front of your game system.

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There's a whole world out there and so much more to do and see than sit around on your hiney all day playing video games. I agree with the others, take some college course, take up a hobby, just get yourself out there. RayKay is right, you aren't going to meet anyone sitting at home with your Playstation or whatver it is.

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You have a few opportunities now that your friends are away for the time being. It would be to your advantage to spread out activities that you enjoy (sources of happiness). When you spread out your sources of happiness, it prevents you from relying on a single source for your joy in life and give you more balance. I always advise getting into some kind of workout routine for everyone - because it automatically raises your self-esteem AND helps to *condition your mind. In addition to playing games, make a schedule to participate in other activities throughout the week. For example, volunteer at a hospital helping less fortunate children (you can meet people there too), join a local sports league (soccer, basketball, bowling, or even playing cards), educate yourself (go to a bookstore and find something that interests you, or enroll in college courses (also a GREAT source for meeting new people). As you can see here, there are many opportunities ready for you to act on. Participating in these activities will automatically help you meet new people, and provide yourself emotional fulfillment.


If anyone else can think of ideas, please share them with Shinobie.

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I basically have become a homebody and I all do is work, go to college when I have classes and play video games, although not as much as I used to. I have been trying to meet people, but haven't had much luck, And trying to find a girl that we both have things in common who I might end up in a relationship in with isn't any easier.


Do you have any other friends you could hangout with or maybe you should do things you enjoy outside the house and maybe you'll be able to meet new people you can hangout with and get away from the video game addiction. Maybe you could get together with some people where you work. Hope this will help.

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I haven't played a good game since 2-3 years ago. There isn't even any good games lately is there?


If you're stuck at home playing games, I suggest you do what I call an Intense Period of Heaven. Here are the steps.


1. Stop accumulating anymore games

2. Stop any online games [read below]

3. Get out a planner & identify all your free time

4. Fill all your free time to finish all the games you have

5. Delete the game from your Harddrive.

6. Hide the installation CD.


I think these steps are all pretty easy, try to overcome step 2 for the first 90 days, then reward yourself and play a little.

If you really couldn't get rid of online games, give yourself an illusion whereby you'll finish the game within a certain number of hours. Say for example, for the online game you're currently playing, give yourself 90 hours of non-guilt enjoyment of it until the game ends. So fill all your free time to finish that 90 hours, and then follow step 5 & 6.

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