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  1. There was a young woman called Dora whose bloke was a terrible snorer the racket was such it became just too much and Dora turned into a roarer
  2. You are a talented writer, Sarey! That's really good. I hope you keep writing.
  3. Salieri was totally smeared in 'Amadeus'. That film was very unfair to him.
  4. Sometimes I felt I was the narcissist. Is that normal when living with them? I also think I may be a co-narcissist because my father has narcissist traits. I think that's why I went into a relationship with my ex and stuck it out for so long. I should be in heavy duty therapy.
  5. I was with someone who I suspect has NPD. It's no joke. The lack of empathy is profound and very disturbing. It's like other people literally don't exist for them, or are tools put there solely for their use. I was violently mugged while with my ex and he evinced no emotion, just said, hope you'll be ok, and walked off and left me standing there in shock. That's what you call lack of empathy. They can also snap and become violent if their narcissistic control or worldview is challenged. My ex told me I had no rights, and when I challenged that statement he became violent. I would like to know the difference between a psychopath and someone with NPD, but I am not sure.
  6. Has a bitter finish, like a good whisky. 'Copromorphic' is not a word that you would find in a Snoop Dogg song, though! Hope you are ok, SB
  7. That's so lovely, somebloke. I'd love to hear you sing it!
  8. I was hit regularly with a wooden spoon until I was in my teens. While this is a common 'weapon of choice' for exasperated parents and a lot of people I know were hit with this (and worse, sticks and belts) I still feel it did me harm. Bruises would be left, and I remember feeling deep shame. My parents would also say I deserved it because I was a 'difficult' child. I did grow up feeling that I was a bad person. So although I wasn't hit to the point of cuts and severe bruises, on me slapping had a bad psychological effect. But my parents are decent people and honestly seemed to believe this was the only way to get me to do what they wanted, although it was clear that my mother just lost control of her anger on occasion and laid into me. However, I am unable to hold it against them. And as I said, where and when I grew up, it was a common enough experience. I would never hit a child (if I had one) though, as I know it DOES have a long-term negative psychological effect. Ok, maybe I'd slap a toddler lightly on the hand for trying to stick thier finger into a light socket, but nothing more than that. Physical violence terrifies me. OP, what you are describing is SERIOUS abuse. Your father beat you until you bled and were marked, and knocked you unconscious. I hope you feel completely validated by what you have read here. I would also advise you to seek counselling, as soon as possible. There will likely be long-term psychological effects on you, as you have already mentioned. (((hugs)))
  9. Inscrutable, opaque, atmospheric, succint. Anxiety-inducing, too. Is is about global warming?
  10. I think 'soulmate' is a concept dreamt up by the romantic literature industry. No wait...it comes from Plato... But anyway, I do not believe it. People like to think they are not basically alone in this life, and have a superior and transcendent connection with another person. Smug Marrieds. Bah! We are alone in life and in death. We can forge powerful and loving bonds with people while we are here, but each soul has an inviolable privacy. The relationship between your 'self' and your 'soul' is the closest relationship you will have, and I think that is as it should be. Often I think we look to another to fill that void in ourselves, our feeling of incompletion. I think we are looking outside when we should be looking inside.
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