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  1. This post has been over a month, and i've just completed one of my presentation today. So here is the update: Fluency was one of my problem, so i had to get this handled. Prior to the presentation, i went up to many strangers and ask if i can perform on them. Those who are willing are very friendly and asked lots of questions. It lead me to consolidate my ideas as well as getting some constructive feedbacks on how i should arrange my wordings. So we went and did a 60 minutes presentation where the last 20 minutes of the presentation was mine. Interestingly, the children's attention span didn't fade for the first 30 minutes, and one after another it starts to disappear. The teacher gave us some feedback afterwards that we should keep the presentation 40 minutes at most because that's how long their attention span can endure. Being the last person to present, things weren't as favorable to me. I did manage to gain most of their attention. However, i am still dissatisfied with myself because if i were good, i would have been able to keep their attention span longer. (My presentation was filled with activities with one working better than the other, so i know that i could regain their attention without having to resort to clapping my hands and go "Listen up guys" - if only i were good enough) One thing i realized is that with their knowledge combined (I present to grade 2), they are equivalent to a grade 6 student. I've totally underestimated them. As far as the teacher goes, she is a professional. She uses effective words, she has full control of the grade 2 children, and she also used a lot of subtle techniques to educate the group. Examples would be to count out "5,4,3,2,1" then the entire group of children counts WITH her and everyone eventually became quiet. She also took 1 trouble kid to sit beside her to show the kids what is not appropriate to do BUT she didn't punish the kid. It's like a class rule, children knows what's expected of them and if they behaved inappropriately, then they get taken out of the group. When she pick students to answer, she chose to do it randomly instead of one after the next because the children would listen more carefully rather than worrying when it's their turn and not listen. I came out of the school and the only thing in my mind was, "this teacher is good" We were teaching the class, but she was doing the traffic control. Without her, the presentation wouldn't have flowed so well. Under her guidance, i can see that the environment is extremely healthy for the kids. Hopefully they all grow up to become happy and healthy.
  2. Experience point... haha. very funny shady. Nah, i don't think you have much self-esteem issue. You sounded much more functional than a lot of other people. The thing with highschool, i realized, is that they've seen you every single year. They're comfortable enough to hang out. But in University, to her, you're just another one of those guys who wants to strike a conversation with her, if she's really that gorgeous. It sounds like you have good friends that really do support you in the whole process.
  3. emit, it doesn't look like we can help you much. I suggest you ask people who have the same goal as you do. Keeping in good shape can be tricky; you are more aware than others about the importance of a good diet, so i suggest you ask those who know exactly what you need. Hopefully, they won't give you different answers.
  4. Scam or not sometimes depends on your perception. A good way to check is if it stayed in business for at least 5 years.
  5. I've joined, but it's difficult to follow through because you will fear and that will take you aback. Don't rush into registering, see if you'll follow through first. Also, the place should be a convinent place for you also, otherwise, join another one that's more convinent
  6. I have a pretty good self-image. So i don't think it's that. I kept trying to lead this to authority because i really think that's the thing for my case. I understand that many people have poor self-image and that they generally have a lower confidence level than others, which leads to them looking away and fear intimacy? but in my case, it's just whenever i talk to people whom i believed to have authority over me. Sorry to be selfish and tailor this entirely to my case. But i should thank you too because i am able to verbalize this so specifically. Lets make you an example. You are going inside a school you never been to and your purpose is to schedule a class to students with a receptionist (who basically schedule & controls the functioning of the school [i know, what the hell was the principal doing? I'd rather talk to with principal who actually understands the mission to higher education]. Then you suddenly feel this discomfort chatting with her because a.) she has better communication skills than you and you feel like you are going to screw up with your fluency fairly soon. b.) this whole thing is not entirely my project and i felt responsible to make this perfect. c.) I'm trying to act appropriately in this situation and this may have caused some discomfort. Here are some of the exceptions I don't get this feeling At All with people who speaks in MY language however high up they may seem (not even millionaires). I don't get this feeling at all with my friends & family. I don't get this feeling when i speak with a total stranger. I get this feeling if a stranger first initiate the chat. I don't get this feeling if I initiate with a stranger. Just being kept off guard would ignite this feeling where I'll feel like i have to respond quick I get this feeling when someone talks about a subject i don't know of. I don't get this feeling when i know the subject very well. So we are not talking about the same thing here. I have very specific situations where i'd fall apart.
  7. I once saw a guy holding a hand gun in the street trying to show it off to the girls. He did become very popular and the girls are excited and all that. Then i called the police. And then he was caught... ahahahhahaahah probably not a good advice, winter. But how interesting...
  8. i must have used the wrong word. Self-conscious would be the better word. To an extent that you would care more about how you perform than focusing externally about other people. I do this whenever i talk with people with authority. Say for example, a dean or school principal. I also tend to do this to those who are at least 15 years older than i am & are in high position OR with anyone with who has high vocabulary and verbal skills. I mean, looking at what i've just said sounds absurd. I can almost give advice to myself just by looking at this message. But when it comes down to doing it, it doesn't work that way. I don't know. I'm trying to relate what the root cause is to this "looking away phenomenon" and "fear of intimacy". Did what i've just mention happened to you guys? If so, what's this all about?
  9. DO you think you can identify why you fear intimacy? (afraid to start a relationship/friendship with someone). I'm trying to think why myself. Couldn't come up with an answer. Maybe bad experience in the past that made you feel bad about yourself? Feeling incompetent at connecting with others? thinking that we don't have to deal with the complex stuff if we stay by ourselves? Now that i really think about it... Self-absorbed? I think I'm this way. And somehow i feel as though this is the stem that caused many of my relational problems with others and it gets me a bit anxious when talking with people who seemed to have everything together. If i focus more on someone else, i may genuinely be more interested in people, and genuinely wants to hang around with people whom i find interesting to be with.
  10. I'm sure the poster is able to sense whether she is offended because it's none of his business, or that she has in fact been with a few other guys. It really depends on how he asks it too. And yes, i do believe its something that a guy would want to know. Just because you guys have otherwise opinion doesn't make him guilty of wanting to know. I was reading some of the posts here and some even say he's insecure. It's like, trying to insult someone because you don't like what he asks. As a guy, i completely understand his curiosity. On one hand, he wants to fulfill his curiosity, on the other, if she really has been with 10 guys before, he can better predict whether there will be future with the girl.
  11. I just checked the ohio news. Is it the one where the police is "currently undergoing investigation"?
  12. There are so much opportunities in psychology that my eyes when i read this comment. Of course, if you're looking simply for a job, then maybe that comment applies.
  13. talk to more people instead of focusing on those two. It'll help you in the long run.
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