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  1. I think you should choose your classes based on your academic interests... the best way to meet girls in college is through friends and through clubs... I think meeting girls in class (and going with the sole purpose of meeting girls) is a little shady (to say the least.) Join clubs and meet them through friends also having access to drugs and alcohol and being generous with these things will make you popular with ladies.... Why didn't anyone suggest joining a frat? If your gonna take classes to meet girls thats not a far cry from joining a frat..
  2. I don't think he was only interested in sex either, but he is obviously a high strung & neurotic nightmare (or so it seems.) It's better he freaked out on your before having sex than afterwards (you would feel like he was an even bigger mistake in that case.) I would blow him off (stop with the begging) then he'll prolly come back to you.. if not and you really want him I would wait a good amount of time (to fully consider this and give him some "alone time" to miss you) and then give him a call... he sounds like a LOSER tho.
  3. I agree 100% why would you want someone like this back?! Phd wanting loser if you ask me... blegh! Why didn't you guys just do a couple shots and then makeout... that would have been better than screwing it up so bad due to anxiety?
  4. Um... I'm going through the same thing with a guy in my film class... Honestly I know that DD guy said the problem is you "put these people on a pedesta" but I think if you like the person enough that will eclipse your shyness... honestly. I think the problem is he's shy and he doesnt like the girl all that much so she's not incentive enough for him to go out of his comfort zone... I think if he really really really liked her he would put shyness aside and go for it (the reward would outweigh the risk.) If it's someone your just like "shes pretty and seems nice/cool" but you are shy you won't have incentive enough to risk it and act like a completely different person. Btw you're going to Japan and youre an RA it seems like you have a lot going for you already. Also travel makes you grow as a person so maybe when you get back to the states you'll feel more confident and less shy. Laura
  5. Girls in walking on the street getting approached by strangers... what does this remind me of? oh yea that's right: prostitution.
  6. This whining is not at all becoming.... be a man. Maybe next time they "leave you hanging" as you put it you could say "what are you doing sat." or then approach them later with a day, time, and place... With your personality I don't find your predicament hard to believe God damn....
  7. I'm glad things worked out for you, but you're playing a game. Everyone wants what they can't have. Once you're attached and she has you, she won't want you.
  8. I know we may have talked about this already, but I had class with the boy again twice this week... On Monday he was sort of looking at me as we left, on Wensday it seemed like he thought I was a lost cause? After the film I went to the bus stop and he was at the bus stop, he didn't talk to me. He was talking with a bunch of people about the movie... I think he thinks I'm not interested. Or he just thinks I'm too weird. He reminds me a lot of my ex (which is why I like him) I'm wondering if they're related, lol... Oh also my concerns now: He seems like he has a lot of friends and is a very social person. I am not social. So I think this might be difficult. Also he seems like a lady's man. I don't want a bf who I have to worry about hooking up with other girls. Then I think maybe he's talking to lots of girls because he's single, and if me and him clicked he would be "devoted" to just me.. Also he's sort of immature, which is fine, I like them young haha... Since I was worried about class being weird if I poke him on facebook (ew)/hang out with him... I realize class is frigging weird now! I like this boy and am not talking to him! It feels like high school. So I really have nothing to lose. Lol. So should I poke him? The only way I would be able to talk to him is if I show up to class after having had a drink. Sad but true.
  9. I have no idea. Talk to her say anything, she could lose interest fast. A lot of time a guy may catch a girl's eye, but if he does nothing (maybe 2 weeks) she will lost interest. So just say something!
  10. Poking is a ubiquitious way of telling someone you like them via the internet without having to do so in person. You log into your account and it says You have been Poked by (some shy person's name here). I didn't poke the guy... I have class with him tomorrow and then Wens. I'm thinking of buying medication on the internet for social anxiety.... Maybe I'll just walk around drunk all the time.
  11. Um I guess I care too much about what other ppl think and I would feel like they were listening/judging me if I tried to flirt with him in class (a place of learning, not flirting.) lol. My big fear is what other ppl think. Not of him rejecting me. I would be scared of looking like a loser if I showed interest in someone. I would feel a lot more comfortable hanging out with him somewhere (outside of class)... noone would be there to judge me... I guess this is weird. Also like I said he always sits with his friend so that would make it more awkward for me to talk to him. I guess I could approach him after class, but I've never done that and that is so not me. At best I could do a shot before class (the class is at 5) then I'd be a lot more relaxed.. but drinking to feel comfortable enough to talk to some boy would be even more pathetic than poking him on facebook... Also I'm a coward and I'm not going poke him... I can't do it...
  12. Nothing seedy, I like that... I think I'm going to poke him lol. I think poking him is better than adding him as a friend. I think it might take too long to message him back and forth (and the class meets again on Monday.) I don't want him to ask me out in person. I'd rather just message him to have coffee or something on facebook. Rather then message him back and forth and have to see him in class before hanging out with him. Or should I add him as a friend? Help....
  13. I'm not mean to ugly people, I was just trying to explain I'm not some like ugly guy trying to poke the head cheerleader or prom queen on facebook.
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