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Hope75 last won the day on February 9 2010

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  1. BadWolf, What kind of equipment are you using? Your shots are lovely.
  2. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Piccoult. Interesting, perhaps not as good as Plain Truth which I finished a week or so ago by the same author.
  3. Plain Truth by Jodi Piccoult. So far, so good.
  4. AZ: image removed image removed the strip in Vegas: image removed
  5. A few others : 4th of July from my house: image removed These were shot with an older Olympus I had before my Nikon, in AZ and LV: this is Lake Mead: image removed image removed
  6. Here's a few more: my friend's little girl on her way to the beach: image removed my husband and his friends by the water: image removed image removed
  7. few more: sea turtle (this was shot with a little waterproof olympus) image removed image removed image removed
  8. Great thread! Lots of talent here. Here are some of my shots: (Nikon D80 SLR) lighthouse in Hawaii: image removed some flowers there: image removed Wiamea Canyon: image removed
  9. Third Degree by Greg Iles. So far pretty good!
  10. Read The Last Lecture, good but sad, and now reading Lisey's Story by Steven King, very weird!
  11. I found it quite enjoyable and I am 32. It was kind of funny, when I was on the last book I was reading it while waiting at the dealer getting my car fixed and an older woman, maybe in her 50's was reading the last book as well, and she was just at the beginning and said she couldn't put them down!
  12. I just tore through the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyers and am now reading "Something Borrowed" by Emily Griffin. I've been needing a little escape since work and my life has been quite stressful lately.
  13. Did anyone notice that this thread is almost 3 years old?
  14. Yeah, you're wrong. This thread is almost 2 years old, BTW.
  15. Bleeding during sex is not normal (unless you are a virgin and than a bit of spotting is normal.) I would make an appt with your gyn right away, as often bleeding during intercourse can be a sign of an STI or worse.
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