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  1. Day 5 + 6 Good morning guys, I didn't reply the past couple of days because I spent the week playing Batman: Arkham City, Game of the Year Edition. Video games are good resources to distract your mind from reality. Stay strong guys.
  2. Day 5 I decided to skip the gym today because I needed to review some stuff before the University resumes school again. I'm also reviewing for my Driver's Permit Test. I want to drive lol. Stay safe everyone.
  3. I know how you feel. I should've blocked my ex first. Now she blocked me on fb. Anyways, Day 4. Good morning everyone: Woke up in the morning, did 45 minutes of cardio (I'm training for a marathon next year), and I might treat myself to gelato later since it's my cheat day. Keep up the faith guys! Stay strong!
  4. Day 3 I woke up in the morning, went to the gym (I usually go 6 times a week), had lunch with a friend, then headed home. Day is going fine so far. Stay strong everyone.
  5. Day 2 - So far so good. I didn't bother logging into my fb account. Instead, I just tumblred random funny images because I needed something to laugh about. About to get lunch. Stay strong everyone!
  6. Hello, I would like to begin day 1 of this game. I'm actually 7 months post-BU, and I immediately went NC. I didn't talk to her, call her, see her in person etc. However, I did see her posts on social networking sites and every time I saw her name, my heart started to beat just a little faster. Starting today, I will stop logging onto that site, focus on school, and on myself. I look forward to working with you guys.
  7. My friend recently got dumped by his girlfriend last month, then two weeks later they get back together. I'm pretty sure this is first real, serious relationship and they've been together for almost 2 years.
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