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  1. Wow, well I sure have missed alot going MIA for about a week. SO much to catch up on. ANyway, G first off, good for you and your little escapade to France. I am jealous jealous jealous, love France, the French and all the lovely decadence there (including the men). What a way to take your mind off your ex. SH, sounds like things are going really well for you, all these possiblities, the unicorn the Canadian chicky, etc. Sounds like you are a definitely a hot Texan, Woo HOO-love those Southern gents!!! Have fun and enjoy all the attention you deserve it!!! Dikaia, sound like yoiur spirits are on the up and up. You are young and like you said, it is a great time to be alive, don;t let other opp's slip you by b/c of your ex. I realize the older I get just how importnant time really is and it is on your side my friend. KAthyK, good luck in surgery. I will be thinking about you as well wishing you luck. As for me, all, things are going great. Totally over the ex. Seriously am, think it was a lucky thing to happen b/c since then have met a few exciting men defintely more my speed then my wimpy ex (who btw is still fretting and emailing me his sob story-blah blah) I have no patience for it anymore "Cry me a river" to quote lyrics per the earlier convo I MISSED as well. Hope you all are doing well today. -Feb
  2. HI I would call him and ask him he he wants to hang out sometime. It sounds like the game playing is from both sides. He sounds like a pretty cool guy though and I think he felt you may be blowing him off a bit. Be upfront and honest with him and yourself. You have nothing to lose at this point calling him to make plans. Worst case scenerio he says no or doesn't pick up and never call you back but so what? No big deal. The you tried and you then know he blew you off, but at this point you don't know. So be confident and call him, especially if you do think he is cool.
  3. Hi I would call him and ask him he he wants to hang out sometime. It sounds like the game playing is from both sides. He sounds like a pretty cool guy though and I think he felt you may be blowing him off a bit. Be upfront and honest with him and yourself. You have nothing to lose at this point calling him to make plans. Worst case scenerio he says no or doesn't pick up and never call you back but so what? No big deal. The you tried and you then know he blew you off, but at this point you don't know. So be confident and call him, especially if you do think he is cool.
  4. Hi. I am sorry that happened to you. You say she has a boyfriend? Well WTF is she kissing other people then? I think this girl sounds like she definitely had a little crush on you too and wants to have her cake and eat it too, meaning her bf. You are right a nice girl would not do that. The times in my life I have done foolish things like this is when I was immature, a little insecure and wanted attention. I think the best way to handle this is to back off of her not ignore her but be short and don;t give her the time of day. This will get under her skin for sure and I am sure she will track you down at some point to get your story for the colder shoulder treatment. Big the bigger person in the situation (especially since you work together) and just be cordial and brief. Do not let her know she hurt you. WHy give her the satisfaction. If she is nice, she will prove it to you now.
  5. G, Wow!! I am amazed by how much ablls you have!! Holy crap. I aspire to be that ballsy someday. Damn!!! I think that ou should be very proud of yourself and how things are going. G, you are rational and independent and have know the reality of the situation. You know you can live without M. But you are making a choice to live how you want to live. Games aside. You know that this man may never return to you as you wish him too. But you also know it is a possibility and in the meantime you are living how for yourself. You are strong (stronger than him) and you can be there for him w;/o jepordizing yourself. So BRAVO. I think your retreating for awhile is a fantastic plan. But G, what is up with this guy, what is he depressed about? I mean what are his issues really? Any ideas?
  6. Yes, today was a very eventful one indeed. So, I am out for the night G et al. Have a good one.
  7. OMD I missed alot, sorry all went to do some work over here, ya know the job.... G, I CAN NOT WAIT FOR YOU TO VISIT!!! BTW you will never guess what song is playing over here a coworker is listening too, "We don;t have to take our clothes off..." Clearly G that is neither yours or my theme song. We actually believe the oppostie huh!! Ha ha. I am so happy you are in good spirits G. Your message back to him was perfect too. He has to be wondering what you are thinking of him. What an a%& I am pissed at him but no worries I am accross the ocean soo... He is going to be crawlign back though G if he doesn't hear from you now for awhile. SO glad you sent that message though b/c he now knows you are much bigger (only meant in the emotional sense and more fabulous) than him. How is the wine?
  8. Oh my goodness ya'll, I missed alot!!!! G, I think you responded famously to his IM and now I agree with Beec that you should not respond. Let him come to you. Oh and he will G. I am sure of it. he is going to feel like an a%&hole for a bit and then will want to see you. But I find it odd he didn't want to meet up. Maybe b/c it was not on his terms. You set it up and picked the moving and subconsciously he decided he wasn't into it. Also full heartedly agree with the dating again thing. You most certainly should. You need a little bit of TLC from some other British hotties. How do you feel about a torrid affair with a younger man. One that doesn't conk out before 9 on a Thursday. So...G, good show today. I am bummed, but his excuse was lame. Boy is he moody huh?
  9. Hello boys, DEtox your situation sounds a bit like mine too, friends first (3 yrs) together 4 months, he had issues to work out too. If I were you I would give it time. I know in my case my ex thought I was the best girl he ever met, yes he freaked out but our friendship at one point meant alot to him, so I doubt he is going to give it up so quickly. Niether will your ex. Let her sort out her life and have time to miss you. Gotta say I am bad at the no contact too. I let him know we could be friends still. But all the contact we have had has pretty much been iniated by me. He is very self absorbed right now. So, I am casually emailing every week or so, just to check in but don;t think I will do much more than that. The rest is up to him and his screwed up head. Let her be a bit. I think you will be amazed how much better you feel and how much perspective it gives you.
  10. Fantastic G, Do you realize that you have started a little "Breaking the Rules" clique on this site? It is hysterical. With your success and with Beec's help, we are all taking a very different approach-I would like to hereby dub it the "Confidence Approach" We all know that at one time these ex's adored us. Worshipped the grond we walked on...so...what are we going to do? Whatever it takes to get that back. Some NC sprinkled with coy little notes and messages followed by delicious meetings where we look HOT and act flirty and confident - simply irrestible. So glad you had a great day G. Fabulous!! I agree his note was flirty and insinuating something So what's the news with the rest of you folks? I am home tonight b/c I have to get up early soooo...spill.
  11. WEll Guys and gals, G's approach seems to be the best one for me as well. My ex emailed me earlier this week. I waited an appropriate 2 and half days and emailed him back this morn' No more than 10 mintues later got a reply. Very nice, very cordial...blah blah, geniunely asked about me, which is something he never did right after we broke up. Ended his email w/ "God, got to get back to work, I'll write more later." So...did not email him back. I did send hima funny forward that I sent to all my friends, but I don't think that counts. It will jsut put in his mind oh...I should email her back again. Well, don;t anticiapte getting another email today. But will wait to see if by next Wed. nothin' then I will email him back. But good news ya'll!!!! I am slowing getting cotnact back (at least that is what seems to be happening.) If his effort level continues to rise, I may where G is, coffee and air kisses. YEAH!!! Ta ta for now.
  12. Oh Strong you are the best!!! Actually he never really saw me down and out..I always make sure I look fabulous when I saw him and when we chatted on email I am my ol' self. Even through out breakup I was not acting really hurt or too upset. Of course he knew I was but it was not outa control. This man is a very tough case Strong1. Similar to yours but more extreme. He is working himself out of being a codependent person right now. His ex and his relationship was a mess. And right now his focus is 100% on fixing himself and repairing their friendship. Which I 100% fully support and think is fantastic. But in the process he has pushed away the VERY best girl he will ever meet (ya see I still have my confidence-I know how fab I am not in a prissy way but even after our breakup I know it had little to do with me.) Anyway, what I want is for him to bend over backwards at soem point begging for me back. Now, I know to get this I need to reestablish the friendship and I am trying to, will email back tmrw, then wait a week or so email again then maybe mis it up and call...but regardless I know his heart has to chane a bit and time will only tell if it will. But any advice/tactics to make the process faster or that would work better please I am all ears. Additionally Strong1 question for you in your case and in mine, do you think if we backed off completely these men would come a knocking? I think mine is a coward but ...what is your opinion?
  13. Lostinvan, I will check you latest too, I need to get caught up on your postings first... Strong1 as for me, well the latest is-he emailed me on Tuesday, replying to my reply to him from last week. He replied after I tried to recall it. So...who knows if it was that or b/c he just thought I haven;t emailed her back yet. He too like your ex is consumed in the problems in his life-spaced out to say the least. he has ex issues too. I know I was his favorite gf and favorite closest person to him but he couldn't deal witha relationship right now, plus he wants to feel like he has been on his own first before he gets into another long-term thing. Anyway, he said he wanted to be friends, but has made very little effort. Broken up almost 5 weeks now. Does he miss me? I am sure. Does he want me back? Doubt he even knows. So, I am gong to email him back tmrw, breezy and nice. See if he emails me back next week. If he doesn't, I will wait the week and email him again the week after. Trying to get contact back slowly. If after that he doesn't respond may wait like a month before trying contact again. (BTW we were friends first too) Beec and Strong1, et al, I have a question for you if you are reading this...is my tactic right? Slowly get back into contact? Do ya think my case is a lost cause? I know this man might take a LONG time to be ready for soemthing again-he has alot of issues. But fromyour expereince do you think when he is he will look to the girl he adored EVERYTHING about to the point it freaked him out, or when the time is right go for whomever is there since he has done that before too? Thx, sorry Strong 1 to post in your post...
  14. Strong1, That is amazing!!! Fabulous!! Yup, Strong1 it is going to take a bit longer but things are going so well. Good you tried to leave. Perfect. And how funny is that, that he kepttrying to get you to stay longer. Now when you get back from your trip if he doesn;t call you/email, call him. I think getting together over drinks to show him pics etc. would be great. But let's figure out how to do that when you get back. Strong 1 have a fantastic trip and while you're away think a little about what you want. If this man continues like this freaks out/ wants you back for another couple months-a year. Are you willing to put up with it? You need to get him to trust you whole heartedly and he will be yours, but that is going to take a bit of time. Think about if this is waht you really want. If it is, I think we can most certainly help you get what you want. HIM. Yeah Strong 1 what a good day!!! I hope to have some stories too when you get back...
  15. Well Strong, What the f' happened? Was he there? I am dying to know. I bet he was wasn't he? Ha ha, did you tell him how excited you are for your vacation (btw w/o him). If he wasn't there, I would not take it as a bad sign though either. But if I know your ex right, he was. So....we are all ears. (I hope I am not wrong...) If he was not there, no worries, means nothing. He might be in his avoiding stage right now which means even more how great this vaca is for you.
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