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Nerdyjock last won the day on May 5 2011

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  1. Dear Ex, You broke up with me, so why have you begged me to come back since the day you ended things? You threw in the towel out of the blue without even trying to work on things. You have considered suicide one time (years before you met me), and that is the ONLY reason I have suppressed my feelings and tried to be a shoulder for you to cry on as you spiral into despair. But I don't want to... I just do it because I feel bad for you. When I am here for you to cry about how alone you feel and how bad you messed up, it tears me up inside because you chose to dump me because of my inadequacies. I wish I wasn't worried about your physical safety so I could stop answering your phone calls full of crying, and actually move on with my life. It's crystal clear that you and I aren't compatible - I only wish you hadn't presented yourself as a better person when we first met. I date people who aren't perfect, so why you thought you had to pretend to be perfect so I would like you is beyond me. I hope you date again and find true love. I do not wish pain upon your heart. I just hope you carry the lessons you've learned to the next person you share love with.
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