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  1. I miss you, I don't even know why anymore. I've never really known why, but I guess that uncertainty is what ruined everything in the first place. I really didn't think it would hurt for this long... I didn't think it would hurt at all.
  2. I`m happy for you... I really am, but it doesn't make it any easier seeing you have the relationship I thought we were getting close to having with another guy... Why did I bother sticking around? We should've just left everything broken...
  3. You're giving me an out... take it, take it, take it, take it...
  4. I hope you treat this new guy better. Seriously, get over yourself and treat him right.
  5. It's been a year and I'm still figuring out if breaking up you was my worst mistake, or if it was me never giving you a chance. Le sigh.
  6. I wish I could figure you out. You're a damn walking contradiction.
  7. How do you seem to care so much and not want more... I want to be over you so bad. I want to just be your friend the same way that you're mine, but I still care too much. I thought I was getting there but just hearing that you're seeing someone else has torn me apart... I can't lose you again. And I can't stay...
  8. I've found someone amazing, and she seems to feel the same about me... Why are you still on my mind? Will I ever be free? Is anyone free of their past? I'm terrified I'm going to make the same mistakes... and I still don't really what they are... I'd love to hear you tell me about all my flaws... But I know you could never be that honest with me. Le sigh...
  9. Why am I still here, thinking of you... All I wanted to was talk and try to save our friendship, but you just wanted to run. You ran, and I was left with was my thoughts. Thoughts that keep me from moving on, and I just can't just get rid of them. All because you were too scared to listen. How am I so caught up on such selfish coward... Now you keep bringing up the good times we had together... We'd still be making them if only you'd have lifted a finger... spared me a second thought... I want it back too, but I can't go back. Not while I know that you'll just leave it again over absolutely nothing.
  10. You always sound like you don't even like this new guy, yet you're putting up with his mistakes... What does that say about me when you wouldn't even give me a second chance?
  11. My brain is totally messed, I hate it when you call, I hate it when you don't. Really, I thought I'd be passed all this by now....
  12. C just called you a crazy b****. My first instinct was to hit him, then I wanted to tell him I agree... We're all really messed up, thanks for that.
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